Competition Summary

Your vote matters. You decide which two of the five finalists will receive up to $25,000 in funding.

To vote, please click on the Finalists tab below. Click on the title of a Finalist to review their submission. Select the one project that you believe best expresses youth voices in Pittsburgh.

Please note that if you are not already registered, you will need to register in order to vote. To register, click the Sign in or Register button below. After you register, you will need to return to this page to vote.

Voting ends August 5 at 6PM EST. Winners will be announced once all votes have been tallied.

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Comic Voices Mural ProjectToonSeumUnited States
Youth Connecting Our Community, Redrawing the Map.North Side CollaborativeUnited States
Open-Focus Squonk OperaUnited States
Street LightIndividual Artists with the Carnegie Science CenterUnited States
One Minute Voices from PittsburghChildren's Museum of PittsburghUnited States