Title XIV Rules: Mortgage Servicing
In order to help financial institutions understand, implement, and comply with our mortgage servicing rules, we provide guides, bulletins, tools and other implementation materials.
Featured topic
On March 29, 2018, the Bureau updated the Small Entity Compliance Guide , now version 3.1, to incorporate the changes made by the March 8, 2018, Mortgage Servicing final rule. The Bureau has also created a mortgage servicing coverage chart .
Rules listed newest to oldest by publication date.
Proposed rules
Final rules
Version 3.1 - Small Entity Compliance Guide
This guide incorporates amendments made to mortgage servicing provisions in Regulation X and Regulation Z by the 2016 Mortgage Servicing final rule and subsequent amendments. This guide discusses the rule as of April 19, 2018.
Quick references
These summaries, charts, and reference materials offer an easy way to understand rules and see which rules are likely to apply to certain products or businesses. These references aren’t substitutes for the regulation text and official commentary, but they can give you an idea of where to start.
Frequently asked questions
The questions and answers below pertain to compliance with Regulation X and Regulation Z, effective April 19, 2018. These questions and answers are not a substitute for Regulation X, Regulation Z, or their official interpretations (also known as the commentary). Regulation X, Regulation Z, and their official interpretations are the definitive sources of information regarding their requirements.
Download the FAQs in a printer friendly version.
Supervision and examination materials
Our Supervision and Examination Manual is a guide to how we will supervise and examine consumer financial service providers under our jurisdiction for compliance with federal consumer financial law. The Mortgage Servicing Examination Procedures detail how we supervise mortgage servicers.
We periodically publish key findings from our exams in Supervisory Highlights. In June 2016, we published a Mortgage Servicing Special Edition.
Additional materials
Servicers can use our mortgage help page to find information they can use to meet servicing disclosure requirements to provide access to the HUD list of homeownership counselors and counseling organizations, and to find the website to access contact information for state housing finance authorities.