Unleashing private capital

Increasing the adoption of new, clean energy technologies will require private capital

Private capital

Billions of dollars need to be invested in clean energy each year in order to avoid the most severe consequences of climate change – and private capital plays a very important role in this equation.

As a result, creative financing solutions are essential to engaging and unleashing private, institutional capital, and accelerating the flow of those funds toward clean energy projects.

Standardizing investments

EDF’s Investor Confidence Project (ICP) is accelerating the development of a global energy efficiency market by standardizing how energy efficiency projects are developed and energy savings are calculated.

In virtually all established markets, from car loans to home mortgages, standardization in how projects are structured and documented has helped to accelerate underwriting and create a vibrant secondary market, reducing long-term liability and spurring investment.

On-bill repayment

On-bill repayment (OBR) is another financial tool that harnesses the potential of private capital. OBR offers customers an opportunity to finance energy efficiency measures for their own buildings and homes at no upfront cost.

climate change investment needed

Blue lines show investment needed, in billions; red lines show what is actually being spent.

Photo credit: BNEF

Through OBR, customers pay for clean energy upgrades over time on their utility bill. All OBR projects are designed to have cost savings that exceed the monthly OBR payment, so customers save energy and money at the same time, starting on day one.

Media contact

  • Mica Crouse
    (512) 691-3451 (office)
    (512) 913-9068 (cell)

Download the fact sheet

Learn how EDF’s Investor Confidence Project framework predicts and measures energy savings.

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What it will take

  • $10.5 trillionestimated funding required between 2010 and 2030 for a global transition to a low-carbon economy.1