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Air Pollution Data Sources

The Environmental Protection Agency provides different types of air quality data through numerous systems. These data can be separated into two categories.

     Air quality data includes the amount of pollution and other substances present in the atmosphere. These data are measured by monitors throughout the nation.

     Emissions data includes the amount of pollutants and other substances being emitted from facilities, vehicles, and other activities that release pollution into the atmosphere.

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Air Quality Databases: General Public

Air Compare - How does the air quality in my city compare with other cities? What time of year has the best air quality? Has the air quality in my city improved? Air Compare provides local air quality information to help you make informed, health-protective decisions about vacations or when moving to a new place. This area provides summary information from the Air Quality System.

Air Data - The Air Data site provides reports, maps, and files of air pollution data for the entire U.S. based on criteria that you specify. A REST web service is also available at this site.This is the best place to get information from the Air Quality System.

AirNow - This site was developed by the EPA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the National Park Service, and tribal, state, and local agencies to provide the public with easy access to current air quality information. AirNow offers daily air quality forecasts and real-time air quality conditions for over 400 cities across the U.S., and provides links to more detailed state and local air quality information. This site provides current and forecast air quality conditions.

Air Trends - Air Trends provides national and local air quality trends information. Data tables and reports document EPA's assessment of trends in terms of air quality, emissions, and meteorological changes over time. This area includes spreadsheets of EPA calculated design values and summary information from the Air Quality System.

Air Quality Databases: Technical

AirNow API – This site is for software developers, researchers, the media, and the public to retrieve air quality forecasts and data in real time, and includes web services, data feeds, and other file products. AirNow Tech users can use their existing login information for access. Registration required.

AirNow Tech - AirNow Tech is an air quality data management and analysis tool primarily used by the State, local, and Tribal air quality organizations that provide input to the AirNow system, as well as researchers and other air data users. Registration required.

Air Quality System (AQS) - The AQS is EPA's repository of ambient air quality data from over 10,000 monitors; 5000 of which are currently active. State, local and tribal agencies collect the data and submit it to AQS on a periodic basis. This area is intended for those in the state, local and tribal agencies and within EPA who load data into the AQS database or use data from this database for analysis. Registration required.

CASTNET - The Clean Air Status and Trends Network (CASTNET) is the nation's primary source for data on dry acidic deposition and rural, ground-level ozone. In operation since 1987, CASTNET consists of over 80 sites across the eastern and western United States and is cooperatively operated and funded with the National Park Service. This area is primarily intended for analysts who wish to download acidic deposition or ozone data from these monitors.

Query Air Data – This is the best place to get comprehensive sample data from the Air Quality System. It provides a REST web service interface to all AQS sample data, and can be used via an interface or as an API by software developers. This area is intended for people familiar with EPA’s data collection rules and technology. Registration required.

Emissions Data

Air Emission Sources – This site provides summary emissions information from the national database of air pollutant emissions. The information is developed with input from numerous state and local air agencies, tribes, and industry. EPA tracks a range of emissions data, including how much of each pollutant (or the pollutants that form them) is emitted from various pollution sources. This site provides national summary data, as well as state and local summaries.

Air Emission Sources: Where You Live - Where You Live provides searchable emissions information through a variety of map interfaces. You can view state and county emissions summaries or create and download your own file of facility-level information. The file formats include text (CSV) and KML, which can be viewed using Google Earth or other mapping software. This area is for the public and analysts who want to learn more about the geographic location of emission sources.

Air Markets Program Data (AMPD) – The AMPD application allows users to access both current and historical data collected as part of EPA's emissions trading programs. This site allows you to create and view reports and to download emissions data for further analysis. This area is for the public and analysts who want to learn more about emissions, related deposition, and trading of allowances in EPA’s market based programs.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions - This site provides information and data on emissions of greenhouse gases and the removal of these gases from the atmosphere, including the official national inventory of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions. Federal, state and local governments prepare these inventories, which track emissions from various parts of the economy, such as transportation, electricity production, industry, agriculture, forestry, and other sectors. This area is for technical users who want to learn more about greenhouse gas emissions.

National Emissions Inventory (NEI) Air Pollutant Emissions Trends Data – The NEI is a comprehensive and detailed inventory of air emissions of criteria and hazardous air pollutants from all air emissions sources. The NEI is prepared every three years by EPA based on emission estimates and emission model inputs provided by state, local, and tribal air agencies for sources in their jurisdictions, and supplemented by data developed by EPA. This area is for the public and analysts who want to learn more about U.S. air pollutant trends.

National-Scale Air Toxics Assessment (NATA) - NATA allows for a better understanding of risks through air toxics monitoring, improving and periodically updating emission inventories, improving national- and local-scale modeling, continued research on health effects and exposures to both ambient and indoor air, and improvement of assessment tools. Please note that air quality data presented at the NATA site is modeled and not measured. This area is for the public and analysts who want to learn more about air pollution and health risks.

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Comparative Tables

Air quality and emissions information is collected and summarized on different time scales. The tables below indicate whether the system has raw data (the most detailed – hourly for continuous monitors), daily summary, or annual summary data. It gives the time range of the data, available substances (in order of the most requested), and the types of outputs available. A full circle indicates the system has this information or feature and an empty circle indicates it has some of the listed information.

Air Quality Databases: General Public


Level of Detail



Output Types





Time range of most detailed data

Ozone + PM2.5

Other Criteria


PM2.5 Adj. Spec

PM2.5 Unadj. Spec


Tables/ Charts


Air Compare


2001 - present





Air Data

1980 - present






1999 – present





A full circle indicates the system has this information or feature and an empty circle indicates it has some of the listed information.

Air Quality Databases: Technical Users


Level of Detail



Output Types





Time range of most detailed data

Ozone + PM2.5

Other Criteria


PM2.5 Adj. Spec

PM2.5 Unadj. Spec


Tables/ Charts


Air Data



1990 – present






1994 – present



Air Trends



1990 – 2012






1987 - 2011






Query Air Data

1980 – present



A full circle indicates the system has this information or feature and an empty circle indicates it has some of the listed information.

Emissions Data


Level of Detail



Output Types





Time range of most detailed data




Tables/ Charts


Air Emission Sources: Where You Live






Greenhouse Gas Emissions



1990 - 2009







1996, 1999, 2002, 2005



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