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Some of EPA's top priorities are to improve air quality, take action on climate change, and clean up our communities. EPA's work on these priorities falls under the Clean Air Act and includes developing national programs, technical policies and regulations for controlling air pollution and radiation exposure. These efforts help protect the health of all Americans by preventing pollution and increasing energy efficiency, improving indoor and outdoor air quality, reducing industrial air pollution and pollution from vehicles and engines, protecting the stratospheric ozone layer, reducing acid rain, and addressing climate change.
EPA is celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Clean Air Act. Learn more about how this landmark law has protected America's health and environment.
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Topics |
Air Pollutants
Asbestos | Lead | Ground-level Ozone | Mercury | Particles | Radon | Toxic Air Pollutants | More...
Global Atmospheric Protection
Acid Rain | Climate Change | Ozone Depletion | More...
Health and Ecosystem Protection
Acid Rain | AIRNow | Air Pollution Trends | Cap and Trade | UV Radiation | Visibility | More...
Indoor Air
Asthma | Carbon Monoxide | Mold | Radon | Smoke-free Homes | Air Quality in Schools | More...
Burn Wise | Clean Air Act Advisory Committee | Climate Leaders | Energy Star | Methane to Markets Partnership | Smartway Transport Partnership | Tribal Air | More...
Understanding Radiation | Radiation Sources | Protecting People and the Environment | Managing Radioactive Materials and Waste | Responding to Radiological Emergencies | Cleaning Up Radioactive Sites | More...
Regulations and Statutes
Air Toxics Rules | Clean Air Act | Fuel Economy Calculations | Heavy-Duty Highway Rule (2007) | New Source Review Permits | Nonroad Diesel Tier 4 | Operating Permits | Phaseout of Ozone-Depleting Substances | More...
Transportation: On-road, Nonroad and Fuels
Cars and Light Trucks | Fuels | Heavy Trucks and Buses | Importing | Modeling, Testing and Research | Nonroad Engines, Equipment, and Vehicles | State and Local Resources | Voluntary Programs | More...
Resources |
Air Pollution Data Sources
Air Quality System | AirData | Air Explorer | Clean Air Markets Data and Maps | Emission Sources | More...
Technology Transfer Network
Air Quality Models | Air Quality Monitoring | Clean Air Technology Center | Inventories and Emission Factors | More...