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The Green Book Nonattainment Areas for Criteria Pollutants

As of January 30, 2015

What's New

Additional PM-2.5 (2012 standard) area designations and a correction were published
on April 7, 2015,
effective April 15, 2015.
(see 80 FR 18535 for details)

The Pechanga Band of Luiseno Mission Indians of the Pechanga Reservation was made a separate 8-hour Ozone (1997 standard) area, published
on April 3, 2015,
effective April 3, 2015.
The area was redesignated to attainment in the same notice.
(see 80 FR 18120 for details)

Implementation of the 2008 National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone: State Implementation Plan Requirements Final Rule was published
on March 6, 2015,
effective April 6, 2015.
(see 80 FR 12264 for details)

Nonattainment area designations for the PM-2.5 2012 Standard were published
on January 15, 2015,
effective April 15, 2015.
(see 80 FR 2206 for details)

The State Implementation Plan Status Website is now available.

View Federal Register Notices published or effective after this Green Book was posted

Questions concerning the status of nonattainment areas, their classification and EPA policy should be directed to the appropriate Regional Office. EPA Headquarters should be contacted only when the Regional Office is unable to answer a question.

Areas of the country where air pollution levels persistently exceed the national ambient air quality standards may be designated "nonattainment." To view a list of areas designated nonattainment, select one of the pollutants/standards below:

Ozone   Particulate Matter (PM)
8-Hour Ozone (2008 Standard)   PM-2.5 (2006 Standard)
8-Hour Ozone (1997 Standard)   PM-2.5 (1997 Standard)
1-Hour Ozone (1979 Standard)   PM-10 (1987 Standard)
Sulfur Dioxide   Lead
Sulfur Dioxide (2010 Standard)   Lead (2008 Standard)
Sulfur Dioxide (1971 Standard)   Lead (1978 Standard)
Carbon Monoxide   Nitrogen Dioxide
Carbon Monoxide (1971 Standard)   Nitrogen Dioxide (1971 Standard)
National Multi-Pollutant
National Area and County-Level Multi-Pollutant Information

Green Book Website Disclaimer

If you have questions for State or Local Air Pollution Agencies contact:
The National Association of Clean Air Agencies (formerly STAPPA and ALAPCO) at
http://www.4cleanair.org Exit EPA disclaimer and http://www.4cleanair.org/DirectoryAlapco.asp. Exit EPA disclaimer
State and Local Agency Web pages and other contacts are available
at the Partners-Working Together for Clean Air site.


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