Partnerships and Programs
This page provides links to the programs and partnerships within the Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics (OPPT).
On this page:
- Regulatory Programs
- Partnership Programs
- Programs for Private Companies and other Stakeholders
- Intergovernmental and International Programs as well as Programs for Schools and Private Companies
- Programs for Communities and Citizens, as well as Private Companies
Regulatory Programs - This list includes activities that are controlled by law and generally with which individuals, facilities or companies must comply.
- Asbestos -- Asbestos is a mineral fiber regulated under a special area of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).
- Chemical Testing and Information Gathering -- Under TSCA,
EPA has broad authority to issue regulations designed to gather health/safety and exposure information on chemicals, require chemical testing and control exposure to chemical substances and mixtures.
- Inventory Update Reporting (IUR) and Chemical Data Reporting (CDR) -- EPA collects manufacturing, processing, and use data from manufacturers and importers of certain chemical substances included on the TSCA Chemical Substance Inventory. To the extent possible given confidential business information claims, these data are made available for public use.
- Lead Programs -- Regulated under TSCA, lead is a highly toxic metal found in and around many homes. Access to information on all aspects of the federal lead poisoning prevention program, with a special focus on the efforts within EPA's Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics (OPPT).
- Nanotechnology under the Toxic Substances Control Act -- The Agency will continue to implement TSCA to enable responsible development of nanotechnology and realize its potential environmental benefits.
- New Chemicals -- EPA's New Chemicals Program was established to help manage the potential risk from chemicals new to the marketplace.
- Persistent Bioaccumulative Toxic Pollutants (PBTs) -- EPA is forging a new approach to reduce risks from and exposures to priority PBT chemicals through increased coordination among EPA national and regional programs.
- Pollution Prevention -- The Pollution Prevention Act (PPA) of 1990 made pollution prevention the national environmental policy of the United States. At EPA, pollution prevention means source reduction -- preventing or reducing waste where it originates.
- Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) -- Concern over the toxicity and persistence in the environment of PCBs led to section 6(e) of TSCA that included, among other things, prohibitions on the manufacture, processing, and distribution in commerce of PCBs.
- TSCA Biotechnology Program -- Was created to allow more efficient public, governmental and educational access to the TSCA Biotechnology Program.
- TSCA 8e and For Your Information (FYI) -- EPA is posting TSCA section 8(e) and FYI submissions to the Agency on this Web site to make them more easily accessible to the public.
Partnership Programs - This list includes activities for which EPA collaborates with businesses, facilities, and other organizations to achieve measurable results in pollution prevention and chemical risk reduction.
- Design for the Environment (DfE) -- Building on the "design for the environment" concept pioneered by industry, DfE helps businesses incorporate environmental considerations into the design and redesign of products, processes, and technical and management systems. DfE's individual partnership programs include:
- Automotive Refinishing Partnership
- Computer Display Partnership - historical
- Flexography Partnership - historical
- Garment & Textile Care Partnership - historical
- Formulator Initiative
- Furniture Flame Retardancy Partnership
- Industrial & Institutional Laundry Partnership
- Integrated Environmental Management Systems Partnership - historical
- Lead-Free Solder Partnership
- Lithographic Printing Partnership - historical
- Nail Salons Project
- Printed Wiring Board Partnership - historical
- Screen Printing Partnership - historical
- Green Chemistry -- Green chemistry is the design of chemical products and processes that are more environmentally benign for pollution prevention purposes.
- Green Engineering -- Green engineering is the design, commercialization and use of processes and products that are are feasible and economically viable and that also minimize the generation of pollution and the risk to human health and the environment.
- Green Suppliers Network -- Green Suppliers Network works with large manufacturers to engage their small- and medium-sized suppliers in low-cost technical reviews that focus on process improvements and waste minimization.
- Partnership for Sustainable Healthcare -- The primary goal of the H2E effort is to educate health care professionals about pollution prevention opportunities in hospitals and health care systems.
- HPV Challenge -- Is a collaborative partnership aimed at giving the American public access to information to better enable them to make wise chemical choices and to actively participate in environmental decisionmaking at all levels-federal, state, and local.
- Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) and Fluorinated Telomers -- On April 14, 2003, EPA released a preliminary risk assessment on PFOA, and started a public process to identify and generate additional information to strengthen the risk assessment. EPA also invited interested parties to monitor or participate in negotiations on one or more enforceable consent agreements to obtain additional data concerning PFOA and fluorinated telomers that may metabolize or degrade to PFOA.
- PFOA 2010/2015 Stewardship Program -- On January 25, 2006, EPA Administrator Stephen L. Johnson invited fluoropolymer and telomer manufacturers to participate in a global stewardship program on PFOA and related chemicals. Participating companies were asked to commit to reducing PFOA from emissions and product content by 95 percent no later than 2010, and to work toward eliminating PFOA from emissions and product content no later than 2015.
- Sustainable Futures -- An approach that encourages pollution prevention in new chemical development through the transfer of EPA's chemical risk screening methodologies.
- Voluntary Children's Chemical Evaluation Program (VCCEP) -- Its goal is to give citizens information on the effects of chemicals on children to enable them to make wise choices in the home and marketplace.
Programs for Private Companies and other Stakeholders - This list of regulatory and partnership programs includes activities that encourage small businesses and other private companies to participate and in general reduce pollution.
- Consumer Labeling Initiative (CLI) -- A voluntary cooperative effort of government, industry and other groups to foster pollution prevention, empower consumer choice, and improve understanding by making it easier for consumers to find, read, and understand label information.
- Environmental Accounting Program (EAP) [archived] -- EAP's mission is to encourage and motivate business to understand the full spectrum of its environmental costs, and to integrate these costs into decision making.
- Green Meetings -- Helps you plan meetings while minimizing their potential negative impacts on the environment. EPA and its partners have developed a number of opportunities for conference planners and suppliers (e.g., hoteliers, convention centers and food service providers) that can help reduce pollution, energy use and water use at conferences.
- HPV Challenge -- Is a collaborative partnership aimed at giving the American public access to information to better enable them to make wise chemical choices and to actively participate in environmental decisionmaking at all levels-federal, state, and local.
- Persistent Bioaccumulative Toxic Pollutants (PBTs) Profiler -- The PBT Profiler (available at is a no-cost, online PBT screening methodology. The PBT Profiler is a subset of methods included in the P2 Framework, which is an approach to risk screening that incorporates pollution prevention principles in the design and development of chemicals.
- Sustainable Futures -- An approach that encourages pollution prevention in new chemical development through the transfer of EPA's chemical risk screening methodologies.
Intergovernmental and International Programs as well as Programs for Schools and Private Companies - This list of regulatory and partnership programs includes activities that are relevant to government entities, schools, and businesses.
- Acute Exposure Guideline Levels (AEGLs) -- AEGLs describe the dangers to humans resulting from short-term exposure to airborne chemicals. The National Advisory Committee for AEGLs is developing these guidelines to help both federal and local authorities as well as private companies deal with emergencies involving spills, or other accidental exposures.
- Buy Clean - Helping Schools Create a Better Indoor Environment for Learning -- Buy Clean is an EPA initiative to partner with schools and others to promote the purchase of products and services for a healthy indoor environment for schools.
- Exposure Assessment Tools and Models -- OPPT has developed several exposure assessment methods, databases and predictive models to help evaluate what happens to chemicals when they are used and released into the environment; and how workers, the general public, consumers and the aquatic ecosystems may be exposed to chemicals.
- Green Buildings -- Green or sustainable building is the practice of creating healthier and more resource-efficient models of construction, renovation, operation, maintenance, and demolition.
- Green Meetings -- Helps you plan meetings while minimizing their potential negative impacts on the environment. EPA and its partners have developed a number of opportunities for conference planners and suppliers (e.g., hoteliers, convention centers and food service providers) that can help reduce pollution, energy use and water use at conferences.
- Interagency Testing Committee (ITC) -- An independent advisory committee to the EPA Administrator representing 15 U.S. government organizations. It reviews TSCA-regulated chemicals to determine which need environmental and health effects and fate test data.
- International Activities -- OPPT is an active partner with the Department of State and other U.S. agencies in a number of international activities.
- National Pollution Prevention and Toxics Advisory Committee (NPPTAC) -- NPPTAC provided advice and recommendations on the overall policy and operations of programs undertaken by the Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics (OPPT).
- Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators -- A computer-based (Windows 3.1+) model that permits screening-level analysis of risk-related impacts of toxic chemical releases and transfers in the United States.
- Tribal Programs -- Communicate with Native American Indian tribes to build effective partnerships with these tribes in protecting and safeguarding the environment.
Programs for Communities and Citizens, as well as Private Companies - This list includes activities that encourage citizens and private companies to improve the environmental quality of their communities.
- Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) -- EPP is a federal-wide program that encourages and assists executive agencies in the purchasing of environmentally preferable products and services.
- Green Buildings -- Green or sustainable building is the practice of creating healthier and more resource-efficient models of construction, renovation, operation, maintenance, and demolition.
- Green Meetings -- Helps you plan meetings while minimizing their potential negative impacts on the environment. EPA and its partners have developed a number of opportunities for conference planners and suppliers (e.g., hoteliers, convention centers and food service providers) that can help reduce pollution, energy use and water use at conferences.
- HPV Challenge -- Is a collaborative partnership aimed at giving the American public access to information to better enable them to make wise chemical choices and to actively participate in environmental decisionmaking at all levels-federal, state, and local.