Reporting FY 2014 Results
Programmatic & Financial Reports:EPA issues programmatic and financial performance reports on an annual basis.
FY 2014 Agency Financial Report (AFR): Summarizes EPA’s financial results and presents its audited financial statements. Also includes EPA's FY 2014 Assurance Statement and FY 2014 Financial Statement Audit Report.
FY 2014 Conference Spending Report: Presents information on the number, expense and purpose of conferences costing over $100,000 for the agency and information on activities the agency has taken to reduce conference spending.
FY 2014 Annual Performance Report (APR): Presents detailed performance results, as measured against the targets established in EPA’s FY 2014 Annual Plan and Budget. The Overview of FY 2014 Performance section analyzes and provides trend data for key performance measures and summarizes FY 2014 program evaluations.
FY 2014 Financial and Program Performance Highlights: Summarize key performance and financial results from the FY 2014 AFR and FY 2014 APR in a brief, non technical, reader-friendly format. The report shows how EPA allocated its budget resources among program goals.
Ensuring Financial and Performance Accountability
EPA’s financial and performance reports satisfy legislative requirements under the:
- Government Performance and Results Act
- Federal Managers’ Financial Integrity Act (FMFIA); and
- Inspector General Act Amendments of 1988
These pieces of legislation aim to ensure proper stewardship of federal resources.
EPA’s reports also adhere to Office of Management and Budget (OMB) guidance:
- OMB Circular A-136, Financial Reporting Requirements: to promote stronger connections between performance and budget planning;
- OMB Circular A-123, Management’s Responsibility for Internal Controls: to report annually to the President on the effectiveness of EPA’s internal controls and the adequacy of the Agency’s internal controls over financial systems and activities; and
- OMB Circular A-11, Preparation, Execution and Submission of the Budget: to prepare and submit the agency's strategic plan, annual budget, and annual performance report.