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Forced Migration Review (FMR) is published three times a year in English, Arabic, Spanish and French by the Refugee Studies Centre of the Oxford Department of International Development, University of Oxford. FMR is available free of charge in print and online. Since it was launched in 1987 it has gained a global reputation as the most widely read publication on refugee and internal displacement issues.

FMR 34 Cover

Latest issue:
FMR 34 Urban displacement
– This issue of FMR includes a major feature on urban displacement, a ‘spotlight’ on Haiti and a range of other articles. Read online or email us to request a copy. This issue will be available in English, Arabic, French and Spanish.

Search FMR – new feature
We have recently added a new page to our website to help you search FMR issues on a specific theme - please use the ‘Search FMR’ button on the left.

UNHCR Bosnia held a launch event for FMR 33 in Sarajevo in order to use it to highlight the continuing need for durable solutions for those living in protracted displacement in the Balkans and to press for political progress in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Walter Kälin, Representative of the UN Secretary General on the human rights of internally displaced people, was invited to address the meeting at the event which was held on 12th November 2009. FMR Co-Editor Maurice Herson spoke at the event….[read more]

UNHCR launch of FMR 33

…presents concise, accessible articles by policymakers, practitioners, researchers and displaced people in order to share information, experience and recommendations on issues affecting refugees, internally displaced people and stateless people. Each issue has a feature theme plus a range of general articles.

FMR aims to:

  • bridge the gap between research and practice
  • provide a forum for the voices of displaced people
  • highlight lesser-known (or little covered) displacement crises
  • promote wider public knowledge of, and respect for, the UN Refugee Convention and the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement
  • contribute to improving policy and practice for people affected by forced migration.

Who reads FMR?
FMR is read in print and online throughout the research and international humanitarian communities. Each issue of FMR is distributed to at least 18,000 organisations and individuals in more than 175 countries: relief and development NGOs, UN agencies, Red Cross/Crescent offices, refugee/IDP camps, refugee associations, donors, research institutes, human rights agencies, foreign and interior ministries, libraries, the media and members of the public.

Read FMR Readers Survey 2008 report

Want to be kept informed?
Sign up for our email alerts and we’ll let you know as soon as a new issue goes online and whenever we post a call for articles for forthcoming issues.

Copies for workshops/conferences/trainings?
Email us if you would like multiple copies for training or promotional use.

Experience to share?
We welcome practice-oriented and reflective articles analysing key issues and challenges, discussing programme implementation and examples of good practice, drawing out lessons and making recommendations. More guidance is at 'writing for FMR'

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Forced Migration Review enables practitioners, researchers & displaced people to share information &amp experience and debate immediate issues facing refugees, IDPs & those working with them. FMR is the world's most widely read magazine on refugee and internal displacement issues

refugee organisation, refugee, refuge, refugee status, displacement, displaced, internally displaced persons, IDP, refugees, children, development, emergency response, environment, refugees, family reunification, human rights, refugee protection, ngos, ngo, educaiton in emergencies, status determination, refugee statistics, refugee camp design, refugee education, refugee health, refug

ee nutrition, refugee, refugees, refugee resettlement, safe third country, stateless refugees, statelessness, refugee, refugees, voluntary repatriation, repatriation of refugees, refugee women, refugee, refugees, durable solutions, reintegration of refugees, integration, refugee, refugees, return, returnee, returnees, Refugee, Refugee Studies Centre, Marion Couldrey, gender-based violence, sexual violence, SGBV, refugee, humanitarian