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L to R: Nicolette McNair, Haley Spector, Rachel Daum, Danielle McNair (Photo by Casey Valentine)
Stronger Together
Courtesy: Stanford Athletics  
Release: 01/22/2016

STANFORD, Calif. – Stanford’s junior class spends a lot of time together.

The quartet of Rachel Daum, Danielle McNair, Nicolette McNair and Haley Spector share the same major, dorm and desire to be the best in everything they do.

Danielle McNair said she noticed the similarities as early as their recruiting trip during high school when each of them expressed an interest in studying human biology.

When they arrived on campus during the fall of 2013, they began the human biology core and spent nearly every day in class together throughout of the year.

“It’s definitely not something we planned but the next thing we knew, we were all sitting in the lecture for human biology core together,” said Spector.

“Originally, I think we all wanted to be doctors when we grew up, so we chose to go that path,” added Daum.

With the majority of their core requirements now completed, each gymnast is pursuing a specific concentration of interest. While it means fewer classes together, the group still finds benefits in sharing the same academic passion.

“We’re all taking different classes now but some still overlap, which is fun,” said Nicolette McNair. “Everyone is pursuing a different concentration, so it’s fun to talk about our different experiences and continue to learn.”

When they aren’t in lectures together, studying with each other or pursing their passion of becoming doctors and health professionals, they are hard at work in the gym.

The group provided immediate contributions on the competition floor during their freshman year and have continued to improve and become leaders on the team. The quartet has combined to hit 178-of-203 routines (88 percent) during their careers.

“Our class is really close and it’s been cool watching each other grow each meet and every day in practice, and continuing to get up there and hit our routines,” said Danielle McNair.

“It’s gone so fast,” said Daum. “I can’t actually believe we’re juniors now but it’s a lot of fun to help out the younger classmen.”

Stanford juniors have combined to hit 88 percent of their routines in their careers.

One key element each member of the junior class highlighted as a major reason for their success – they’re incredibly competitive in everything they do.

“We’re a very competitive class,” said Spector with a grin. “Everyone is very committed to what they’re doing and wants to be the best.”

“I’d say our class is the most competitive of all the classes,” said Daum who added the other classes would likely agree with her assessment.

That competitive attitude has led to results in meets, specifically during high-pressure moments.

“It’s been a lot of fun watching each other grow and get better in pressure situations,” said Nicolette McNair. “We can all rely on each other. When someone goes up and maybe makes a mistake, we know we have each other’s back and it’s really exciting just knowing that.”

Spending so much time together in the gym and classroom, and sharing such similar interests has created a unique bond and a support system for any situation.

“It’s not just gymnastics for us,” said Daum. “There’s always something else we have to be doing. It’s helpful to compartmentalize gymnastics and school, and if we have troubles with that one day, it’s nice to have teammates to talk to about it.”

Plenty of progress has been made over the past two and a half years by the group in the classroom, the gym and the competition floor. However, each gymnast made it a point that they don’t have any plans on changing their mindset or slowing down.

“We all bring a fire to competing,” said Nicolette McNair.

One thing’s for sure, they’ll do it together.



Cardinal AXEcess

Cardinal AXEcess