Four Thousand British Posters Added to Online Poster Database

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Stop War! vote Labour UK poster

With more than four thousand images from the United Kingdom having been recently added, the Hoover Institution’s online, searchable poster database now has some eighteen thousand images of political posters from its collection. The posters represent more than eighty countries and range in date from the late 1800s to the late 1980s.

The database, which describes thirty-three thousand posters, provides a variety of searching options including artist, date, subject, or records for which images are available.

Ten thousand images of posters from the United States will be added during the coming year.

Posters that may be protected by copyright laws are available online only as thumbnail;.posters published before 1923 are available in larger sizes for easier viewing. All poster images are for educational and research purposes only.