Lisa Nguyen


Lisa Nguyen is cocurator of Asia Collections at the Hoover Institution Library and Archives. Since 2004 she has worked with private donors and organizations to collect historical documentation on political and socioeconomic change in Asia. She is a member of the Society of American Archivists (SAA) and has served on the Cultural Property Working Group and Association of Research Libraries/SAA Mosaic Program. In 2011, she curated the exhibition A Century of Change, which received the Katherine Keyes Leab and Daniel J. Leab American Book Prices Current Exhibition Catalogue Award. Her research interests include cultural heritage management, collective memory, and digital history in the Pacific Rim.

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Recent Commentary

Sun Yat-sen, at top center of this 1912 calendar

The Revolutionary Republic

by Hsiao-ting Lin, Lisa Nguyenvia Hoover Digest
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

In 1911, China rejected feudalism to enter the modern era. A new Hoover exhibit on a century of change. By Hsiao-ting Lin and Lisa Nguyen.

Chiang Chooses His Enemies

Chiang Chooses His Enemies

by Paul R. Gregory, Hsiao-ting Lin, Lisa Nguyenvia Hoover Digest
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Chiang Kai-shek’s Shanghai purge did more than intensify the Chinese civil war. It hastened the final clash between Trotsky and Stalin. Three perspectives on the story. By Paul R. Gregory, Hsiao-ting Lin, and Lisa Nguyen.