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Victor Davis Hanson

Victor Davis Hanson: At Home And Abroad After Obama

by Victor Davis Hansonvia Hoover Institution
Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Hoover Institution fellow Victor Davis Hanson discusses deterrence in terms of world affairs and especially after Obama. 

Bill Whalen

Bill Whalen: Bye-Bye Hawkeye Cauci: How Iowa’s Results Impact The 2016 Election

by Bill Whalenvia Hoover Institution
Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Hoover Institution fellow Bill Whalen discusses Iowa Caucus Night and that Iowa kept to form on the Republican side: the “one of us” candidate prevailed.

this is an image

Abbas Milani: ISIS, Iran, Saudi Arabia And The Future

by Abbas Milanivia Hoover Institution
Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Abbas Milani, a research fellow and codirector of the Iran Democracy Project at the Hoover Institution, discusses ISIS, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the future of the Middle East. Successive US administrations have declared Iran to be one of America’s most serious national security threats. Yet the last four wars the US has fought in the region — in Afghanistan, in the two wars in Iraq and in the current war with ISIS—have resulted in either removing or containing Iran’s powerful adversaries. 

Decoding Cyber Threats

featuring Amy Zegartvia Fellow Talks
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Hoover Institution fellow Amy Zegart notes that the threat environment the United States confronts today is unprecedented.

US-China Relations

Game On: The United States And China In The Indo-Pacific

featuring Admiral Gary Rougheadvia Fellow Talks
Monday, October 19, 2015

Hoover Institution fellow Gary Roughead discusses China’s importance and the strategic competition in the next 100 years between the United States and China.

Supreme Court

What Will The Supreme Court Think Of Next?

featuring Michael McConnellvia Fellow Talks
Monday, October 19, 2015

Hoover Institution fellow Michael McConnell discusses the US Supreme Court, noting that the New York Times refers to the past term as the most liberal term since the Warren Court in the 1960s.

Getting Serious About Defense Policy

featuring Kori Schakevia Fellow Talks
Monday, October 19, 2015

Hoover Institution fellow Kori Schake discusses the importance of defense spending, noting that we have bigger problems than defense spending and are not likely to solve those problems until we can agree on entitlement spending.

The Heroic Heart: Greatness Ancient and Modern by Tod Lindberg

The Heroic Heart Book Launch

featuring Tod Lindbergvia Hoover Daily Report
Monday, September 28, 2015

In 'The Heroic Heart', Tod Lindberg traces the quality of heroic greatness from its origin in prehistory to the present day.

GOP Image

How Trump Does It

interview with David Brady, Douglas Riversvia Fellow Talks
Monday, September 14, 2015

The Hoover Institution’s David Brady and Douglas Rivers look at the results of new polling to examine where Donald Trump’s support comes from and explain the ramifications for the broader GOP presidential field.

Whalen: Election 2016: Far From The Republican Madding Crowd

by Bill Whalenvia Fellow Talks
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Whalen takes us on a fascinating ride through current and past presidential races.


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Video and Audio recordings of Hoover scholars from retreats, board meetings, and other donor events presenting and discussing various issues and topics.