Progress on health care? Really? While Obama is President? The Obama who said you can keep your doctor and your insurance and oh, by the way, your insurance will cost less? That Obama?
Professor Thomas Sargent, Nobel Laureate in Economics and Professor at New York University, presented several points in his Graduation Address at the University of California, Berkeley (his undergraduate alma mater) in 2007.
What happens when a liberal New York Times activist-food columnist decides to start his own business? Grab your organic, non-GMO, gluten-free, locally-sourced, free-trade popcorn, because this will be good.
Last week I highlighted a comment by Econlog reader Jim Glass. Since then, I've looked closely at the study he cited. The study is titled "Do Firms Underinvest in Long-Term Research? Evidence from Cancer Clinical Trials."
It is likely that within the next few weeks, the number of infections with influenza virus will spike in much of the country. Flu cases typically peak in February and can last into May
The Working Group on Health Care Policy devises public policies that enable more Americans to get better value for their health care dollar and foster appropriate innovations that will extend and improve life.