United Nations Chris Hondros

Will The UN Make Room For Drug Policy Changes?

World leaders and activists are saying next month’s United Nations special session on drugs should push for a major shift in global narcotics policies.

McDonald’s Under Fire In Landmark Labor Case

The National Labor Relations Board case could greatly expand the fast-food giant’s liability for labor violations committed by franchisees.

How The US Drives The Global Oil Market

The International Energy Agency says the price of oil may have already bottomed as shrinking global supplies — particularly from the U.S. — erode the world’s glut of crude.

US Policy In Central Asia Has Unintended Consequences

Autocratic regimes have become key partners in the fight against terror. But observers fear U.S. aid could actually be fueling ISIS’ growth.
Rolls Royce

The Ripple Effects Of The Shrinking Wall Street Bonus

Eight years after the financial crisis, Wall Street bonuses have yet to match the soaring peaks of 2006 and 2007 — and that's putting a squeeze on luxury retailers of brands like Rolls-Royce.
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The Unheard Pleas Of Deaf Assault Victims

Some police forces don’t know how to access sign language interpreters, leading to frustration among members of the deaf community who are victims of sexual assault or domestic violence.
Dow Jones Industrial Average

US Stocks Up After Cautious Reaction To ECB Stimulus Move

European stocks rallied Friday after investors initially reacted to eurozone efforts by pushing share prices lower.

Ben Carson Endorses Trump, Notes His ‘Cerebral’ Side

Just a week after dropping out of the 2016 presidential race, said Friday that Trump is “actually a very intelligent man who cares about America.”


China Data To Reveal Economy’s Health

The world’s second-largest economy will release a slew of data points Saturday while top central bank officials will hold a press conference.

VR Ads Could Change The Way You Book Vacations

Los Angeles-based Immersv launched one of the first virtual reality mobile video ad platforms Thursday, targeting mobile app developers.
Elections 2016
Syria doctors

Understaffed, Under-Resourced And Under Attack

At a time when global powers are heralding a ceasefire, Syria’s hospitals face a chronic state of medicine, equipment and staff in deadly short supply.

Obama, Trudeau Declare War On Methane

The leaders of the United States and Canada have vowed to fight climate change. Here’s a closer look at their plans.