Effect of multicopy SUB2, THO1, NAB2, and NPL3 overexpression over different strains. (A) Recombination analysis of AYW3-1B (WT) and AYNPL3-1D (npl3Δ) strains carrying the chromosomal direct repeat system leu2-k∷ADE2-URA3∷leu2-k and multicopy plasmids YEp351 (empty vector, YEp), YEpSUB2 (SUB2), YEpTHO1 (THO1), and YEpNAB2 (NAB2). Average and standard deviation of three to four fluctuation tests from six independent colonies for each one is shown. (B) Suppression of temperature, HU, and MMS sensitivity phenotypes by YEpSUB2, YEpTHO1, and YEpNAB2 in serial dilutions of AYW3-1B (WT) and AYNPL3-1D (npl3Δ) cells. (C) Recombination analysis of AYW3-1B (WT), AYNPL3-1D (npl3Δ), and AYW3-3C (hpr1Δ) strains carrying the chromosomal direct repeat system leu2-k∷ADE2-URA3∷leu2-k and multicopy plasmids YEp351 (empty vector, YEp) or YEpNPL3 (NPL3). Average and standard deviation of six fluctuation tests from six independent colonies for each one are shown. (*) P < 0.05; (**) P < 0.01 (Student's t-test).