Splash Spring 2016 is April 9-10

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For Splash Students

  • Registration opens on 3/16 at 7:30pm.
  • Click the "Learn" tab for more information.
  • Student Guide

For Splash Teachers

  • Click the "Teach" tab for more information.

For Splash Volunteers

  • Click the "Volunteer" tab for more information.

ESP Biography


Major: Electrical Engineering

College/Employer: Synopsys

Year of Graduation: 1994

Picture of Benjamin Ting

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

P4504: From Transistors to iPhone: The Amazing Journey of Clueless Teenage Electrons in Splash Fall 2015
From the discovery of electron in 1897, to the invention of transistor in 1947, followed by the birth of Silicon Valley in the 1970's, and the arrival iPhone in 2007. 110 years in the making, the teenage electrons have finally arrived in your friendly neighborhood. Come and find out how these teenagers are shaping everything you do in your life, and what lies ahead when these electrons grow up to become adults!

H4505: Running 26.2 Miles On Purpose! in Splash Fall 2015
About 2,500 years ago, a Greek Soldier, Pheidippides, ran from Marathon to Athens, without stopping, to deliver news of a military victory against the Persians in the Battle of Marathon. In 1896, the modern day Olympics included an event known as Marathon, to commemorate Pheidippides's dramatic run. Come find out the increasingly popular sports of Marathon - why do people run 26.2 miles on purpose, what effect it has in their life, and what it takes to prepare for this amazing and often life changing sporting event!

E4181: From Transistors to iPhone: The Amazing Journey of Clueless Teenage Electrons in Splash Spring 2015
From the discovery of electron in 1897, to the invention of transistor in 1947, followed by the birth of Silicon Valley in the 1970's, and the arrival iPhone in 2007. 110 years in the making, the teenage electrons have finally arrived in your friendly neighborhood. Come and find out how these teenagers are shaping everything you do in your life, and what lies ahead when these electrons grow up to become adults!

L3865: Preparing For A Career After College in Splash Fall 2014
While college is an important experience for many students, what comes after college is equally important. You spend 4 years in college, but probably 40 years after that in a career. It's never too early to plan for something you will spend a life time doing!

E3906: From Transistors to iPhone: The Amazing Journey of Clueless Teenage Electrons in Splash Fall 2014
From the discovery of electron in 1897, to the invention of transistor in 1947, followed by the birth of Silicon Valley in the 1970's, and the arrival iPhone in 2007. 110 years in the making, the teenage electrons have finally arrived in your friendly neighborhood. Come and find out how these teenagers are shaping everything you do in your life, and what lies ahead when these electrons grow up to become adults!

L3465: Preparing for a career after college in Splash! Spring 2014
This class touches on the key points that students may need to be aware of in planning their post-college career choices. This seminar, although tilted towards High Tech and Silicon Valley environment, is also applicable to more generic situations. Parents and students of all grades are welcome!