Initial inquiries about publication should be made directly to the appropriate editor at the Press. Please do not send complete manuscripts. For computer security reasons, we do not accept unsolicited email submissions, and any email message containing attachments will be ignored.
Prospectuses should be sent to:
Attn: editor
Stanford University Press
425 Broadway St.
Redwood City, CA 94063-3126
Please submit your proposal to only one editor. Materials will be shared and redistributed among editors if appropriate.
We recommend that a book prospectus include the following:
- Detailed statement outlining the manuscript’s arguments, themes, and significance to the field
- Annotated table of contents that clearly develops the content and structure of each chapter
- Assessment of the work’s fit with existing literature, comparison with published books on the topic, and discussion of the intended audiences and market for the book
- Statement of the anticipated length of the manuscript; plans for tables, figures, or other illustrations; and schedule for completion
- Sample chapter (optional)
- Curriculum vitae
- If your manuscript is based on a dissertation, please discuss how the material and research has been developed, reframed, or otherwise revised. SUP does not publish unrevised dissertations.
- If your manuscript is an edited collection, please include information about each of the contributors and note if any of the chapters are previously published.