Eugene M. Kayden Book Award
the University of Colorado at Boulder
Thomas F. McGann Prize
Rocky Mountain Council on Latin American Studies
Herbert Eugene Bolton Memorial Prize
The Conference on Latin American History
Masayoshi Ohira Memorial Prize for best book on Pacific Basin/East Asia
Best Book Award
American Sociological Association, Section on the Sociology of Culture
Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for French and Francophone Studies
Modern Language Association of America
Salo W. Baron Book Award
The American Academy for Jewish Research
Forum for the History of Science in America Prize
Forum for the History of Science in America
Roland Bainton Award in History
Sixteenth-Century Studies Association
Finalist for Third Annual Koret Jewish Book Award,
History Category
The Koret Foundation and the National Foundation for Jewish Culture
Best Work of Literary/Cultural Criticism
American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages
Levenson Book Prize for Pre-Twentieth Century China
China and Inner Asia Council of the Association for Asian Studies
Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for a Translation of a Scholarly Study of Literature
Modern Language Association
Thomas F. McGann Memorial Award for Best Book
Rocky Mountain Council on Latin American Studies
Levenson Book Prize for Modern China
Association for Asian Studies
Samuel Beer Prize
The American Political Science Association
Southwest Book Award
BRLA: Border Regional Library Association
Barbara and George Perkins Prize for the best book on narrative in 1998
Society for the Study of Narrative Literature
Paul Bunge Prize
Hans R. Jenemann Foundation/German Chemical Society
Lincoln Prize at Gettysburg College
Lifetime Achievement Award
Lincoln and Soldiers Institute
Jean-Pierre Barricelli Prize for the best work in Romanticism Studies
American Conference on Romanticism
Myers Outstanding Books Award
Honorable Mention
The Gustavus Myers Center for the Study of Bigotry and Human Rights in North America
John Gilmary Shea Prize
American Catholic Historical Association
René Welleck Prize
American Comparative Literature Association
Special Citation for Outstanding Book
Association for Asian American Studies
Anthony Leeds Prize in Urban Anthropology
Society for Urban Anthropology
Kenneth W. Baldridge Prize
Hawaii chapter of Phi Alpha Theta
Warren F. Kuehl Prize
Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations
Independent Scholar Prize (Honorable Mention)
Modern Language Association
Scaglione Prize for Studies in Slavic
Languages & Literatures
Modern Language Association
Scaglione Prize for Studies in Slavic
Languages & Literatures (Honorable Mention)
Modern Language Association
Theodore & Franklin D. Roosevelt Naval History Prize
Navy League of the United States and the New York Council
Stuart Bernath Prize
Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations
Hiromi Arisawa Memorial Award
Honorable Mention
Association of American University Presses
Outstanding Publication Award
Honorable Mention
Collective Behavior and Social Movement Section of the American Sociological Association
Railroad History Award
Railroad and Locomotive Historical Society
Hiromi Arisawa Memorial Award
Association of American University Presses
Harold Adams Innis Prize
Social Science Federation of Canada
AATSEEL Award for Best Scholarly Book
Am. Assoc. Teachers & Slavic & E. European Lang
Joseph Levenson Prize, Twentieth Century
Association for Asian Studies
Frederick Jackson Turner Award
Organization of American Historians
John King Fairbank Prize
American Historical Association
Stuart L. Bernath Prize
Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations
Book Award of the Pacific Coast Branch of the AHA
American Historical Association
Japan-U.S. Friendship Commission Prize for the Translation of Japanese Literature