I'm told QB Brock Osweiler has agreed to a deal in principle with the Houston #Texans.
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I'm told QB Brock Osweiler has agreed to a deal in principle with the Houston #Texans.
You'll be seeing these in the near future ️ pic.twitter.com/X5QyFoAIs7
Congrats to TIM DUNCAN on becoming the 6th player in @NBAHistory to grab 15,000 rebounds! pic.twitter.com/XfFNIiZyPc
Help me identify the racist Trump supporter who repeatedly punched this protestor in the face last night. CRIMINAL! https://amp.twimg.com/v/8d2bf6ff-f09d-4d0c-ba30-de1578315823 …
.@RODEOHOUSTON you ready for tonight? #KillTheLights pic.twitter.com/7RuXiiPYE1
Another Dishonest Politician
#LightweightSenatorMarcoRubio pic.twitter.com/w7G5vJ511O
Coach Urban Meyer (@OSUCoachMeyer) endorses John Kasich for President!
Must-See Vid: "Go win this thing."
https://amp.twimg.com/v/499e30df-03e4-44c1-b547-12e21c7a2e3c …
A message from michael the canadian moose. http://danandphiltour.com pic.twitter.com/Gqx1zOPyx3
LeBron was introduced by the LeBron James kid at the Sacramento Kings game. (via @SacramentoKings) http://vine.co/v/iHiOmHdiE02
A lot's happened in the last 24 hours.
Here's 20 of the biggest Free Agent signings. #NFLFreeAgency pic.twitter.com/F2FWT2vQvX
GOP donors pushing Condoleezza Rice to run independent campaign http://politi.co/1pAqDN3 | AP Photo pic.twitter.com/Bdz72Nfdzr
Kobe and LeBron have scored the most points in the NBA since LeBron came into the league https://vine.co/v/iHXlzgxeHrD
We asked about your favorite friend, now we want to know, who is your favorite Mario foe? #MAR10Day pic.twitter.com/UUL4L2xsVm
5 years ago to the day: Cardiac Kemba. https://vine.co/v/iHXiQZOAPUi
The planets in our solar system have piqued the interest of many scientists, but what about their moons? Take a look https://amp.twimg.com/v/d25381fc-1934-4d22-a56f-11970866af3f …
Me and @MarziaPie are just friends now apparently pic.twitter.com/5d5i3UWnWC
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