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Election 2016
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I'm told QB Brock Osweiler has agreed to a deal in principle with the Houston .

You'll be seeing these in the near future ✌🏼✏️


Congrats to TIM DUNCAN on becoming the 6th player in to grab 15,000 rebounds!

Trump Supporter Illegally Assaults a Non-Violent Protestor
This is in Fayetteville, North Carolina on Wednesday Night. We must identify the man who assaulted this protestor and was given a complete pass for it. This is illegal. This is assault.

Help me identify the racist Trump supporter who repeatedly punched this protestor in the face last night. CRIMINAL!

Ohio State Coach Urban Meyer Endorses John Kasich for President

Coach Urban Meyer () endorses John Kasich for President! Must-See Vid: "Go win this thing."

A message from michael the canadian moose. 🇨🇦

LeBron James kid introduces LeBron at Kings-Cavs game!!!
Vine by Sacramento Kings
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LeBron was introduced by the LeBron James kid at the Sacramento Kings game. (via )


A lot's happened in the last 24 hours. Here's 20 of the biggest Free Agent signings.

GOP donors pushing Condoleezza Rice to run independent campaign | AP Photo

Kobe and LeBron have scored the most points in the NBA since LeBron...
Vine by Bleacher Report
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Kobe and LeBron have scored the most points in the NBA since LeBron came into the league

We asked about your favorite friend, now we want to know, who is your favorite Mario foe?

5 years ago to the day: Cardiac Kemba.
Vine by ESPN College BBall
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5 years ago to the day: Cardiac Kemba.

ScienceCasts: Amazing Moons
When the Space Age began, explorers were eager to visit the planets of the solar system.

The planets in our solar system have piqued the interest of many scientists, but what about their moons? Take a look

Me and are just friends now apparently

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