How to Contact Your Elected Officials

Learn how to get in touch with your federal, state, and local elected leaders.

Contact Federal Elected Officials

  • President Donald Trump - Contact the President of the United States by filling out the online contact form or by calling the White House switchboard at 202-456-1414 or the comments line at 202-456-1111 during business hours.
  • Members of the U.S. Congress
    • U.S. Senators - Get contact information for your Senators in the U.S. Senate.
    • U.S. Representatives - Find the website and contact information for your Representative in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Contact State Elected Officials

Contact Local Elected Officials

  • U.S. Mayors - Locate mayors by name, city, or population size.
  • County Executives - Search on a map or by your zip code to find the head of the executive branch of government in your county. (The county executive may be an elected or an appointed position.)
  • Other Local Government Officials - Get contact information for your city, county, and town officials in your state. 

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Last Updated: March 07, 2017

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