You have the right to dispute the existence or amount of your copay debt. To do so, submit a letter explaining why you question the validity or amount of the debt. To avoid late charges, you must submit a dispute by the balance due date on the initial billing statement. VA will not initiate collection if your dispute is received within sixty (60) days from the initial billing statement. If VA receives your dispute later than sixty (60) days and collection has been initiated, it will continue while the dispute is being reviewed. If the dispute is resolved in your favor, all late charges will be removed from your account, and any amounts withheld from your VA benefits, federal payments, or wages will be refunded to you.
How to Dispute VA Charges
The dispute must be a written letter explaining why you question the validity or amount of the debt. All disputes must be submitted by mail or in person at your local VA Medical Center.
For assistance in understanding your charges or submitting a dispute:
Contact VA at 866-400-1238 Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. EST to review your charges with a representative. Visit the Business Office or Health Administration Service Office at your local VA Medical Center.
To submit a notice of dispute by mail, locate the address of your local VA Medical center at www.va.gov/directory/guide/home.asp. Include “Billing Dispute” as the subject when you address your envelope.
An accredited representative of a Veteran Service Organization (VSO) or other service organization recognized by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs may represent you without charge. You may employ an attorney or VA accredited agent to assist you. The services of an attorney or accredited agent representing you in adjudicative proceedings before VA are subject to a fee limitation as set forth in 38 U.S.C. 5904.
If you desire representation and have not already designated a representative, contact VA at 1-866-400-1238 to request the necessary forms. If an attorney or accredited agent represents you before VA, a copy of any agreement between you and the attorney or accredited agent about the payment of the attorney’s or agent’s fees must be filed at the following address:
Counsel to the Chairman (01C3)
Board of Veterans Appeals
810 Vermont Avenue N.W.
Washington D.C. 20420
Choice Program Billing Issues
VA Call Center Helps Veterans with Choice Program Billing Issues
Veterans who receive care through the Choice Program and are experiencing adverse credit reporting or debt collections resulting from inappropriate or delayed Choice Program billing can work directly with VA’s call center staff at 1-877-881-7618 to resolve these issues.
Veterans are encouraged to continue working with their VA primary care team to obtain necessary health care services regardless of adverse credit reporting or debt collection activity.
For more details about the Veterans Choice Program and VA’s progress, visit: www.va.gov/opa/choiceact. Veterans seeking to use the Veterans Choice Program can call 1-866-606-8198 to find out more about the program, confirm their eligibility and schedule an appointment.
Is The Choice Program Affecting your Credit?
For assistance, call
between 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Eastern Standard Time.
VA will help you resolve adverse
credit reporting and debt
collection issues caused by use
of the Choice Program.