OMB Sustainability and Energy Scorecards
On April 19, 2011, 24 Federal agencies and departments released, for the first time, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Sustainability and Energy Scorecards. These scorecards enable agencies to target and track the best opportunities to lead by example in clean energy; and to meet a range of energy, water, pollution, and waste reduction targets. On June 15, 2012, Federal agencies released annual updates on their energy and sustainability performance. On May 31, 2013 agencies released their third annual scorecard.
Through the OMB scorecard process, agencies are assessed on several sustainability areas, including: energy intensity; water intensity; fleet petroleum use; greenhouse gas pollution; green building practices; and, renewable energy use. Agencies are also evaluated on demonstrating continuous progress towards implementing additional statutory or Executive Order targets and goals reflected in their annual Sustainability Plans, such as green purchasing and electronics stewardship. The scorecard employs a simple evaluation system: green for success; yellow for mixed results; and red for unsatisfactory.
Agencies are also evaluated on demonstrating continuous progress towards implementing additional statutory or Executive Order targets and goals reflected in their annual Sustainability Plans, such as fleet management and green buildings. CEQ and OMB will work with agency leadership to craft strategies for improvement and provide agencies with additional support and assistance as agencies update their Sustainability Plans.
Visit to view individual agency OMB Sustainability/Energy Scorecards.