Stabilizing the global climate is the greatest challenge of the 21st century. Temperatures have exceeded global annual averages for 38 consecutive years. The impacts are being felt all around the world.
Extreme weather events are becoming more frequent and severe. Heat waves and drought plague many countries, destroying agriculture, increasing the risk of wildfires and endangering lives. Rising sea level threatens coastal communities and infrastructure by amplifying flooding and storm surge.
But there are approaches and technologies available now to overcome this global challenge. WRI engages businesses, policymakers and civil society at the local, national and international levels to advance transformative solutions that mitigate climate change and help communities adapt to its impacts.
Our international climate work uses analysis, innovation and partnerships to achieve effective national policies and implement the Paris Agreement on climate change. Our U.S. Climate Action Initiative identifies cost-effective solutions for the United States to reduce its emissions in the short- and long-term. CAIT provides a platform for stakeholders to explore, understand and communicate climate and emissions data. And the Greenhouse Gas Protocol helps hundreds of companies and organizations measure, manage, and report their greenhouse gas emissions.
Top Climate Outcomes
What's a top outcome?
Top outcomes are WRI's biggest success stories. They occur when our analysis, solutions, or partnerships result in significant change in the world.
Featured Expert
Eliza Northrop
WRI Climate
New in Climate
Climate Projects
U.S. Climate Action
Powering America Forward Under the New U.S. Administration
WRI offers analysis and insights on how U.S. leaders can achieve a stronger, cleaner economy that benefits all Americans.
Getting Serious About Carbon Pricing
Putting a price on carbon can be an effective policy to spur innovation, create lasting economic growth, and help the United States achieve its carbon reduction goals.
U.S. Climate Impacts
Building support for climate change action by ensuring policy makers, media and citizens are aware of local U.S. climate impacts.
Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage (CCS)
WRI provides strategic advice on the development of best practices, regulations, and standards for CCS and participates in the development of national and international strategies for CCS deployment, consistent with environmental and social integrity.
Climate Resilience
Tracking Adaptation Success
Providing practical solutions for tracking the progress of adaptation initiatives in the context of sustainable development.
Urban Climate Resilience
Building urban resilience to climate change by helping cities address their climate risks and vulnerabilities.
International Climate Action
The International Climate Action Initiative uses analysis, innovation and partnerships to achieve effective national policies and ambitious, equitable international climate action
Adaptation Finance
Reducing the vulnerability of local communities exposed to climate change by increasing the volume and effectiveness of finance directed towards adaptation.
International Climate Action
NDC Partnership
The NDC Partnership is a global initiative to help countries achieve their national climate commitments and ensure financial and technical assistance is delivered as efficiently as possible.
Post-2015 Development Agenda
Helping the global community to forge a transformative and inclusive global sustainable development agenda by 2015.
International Low-Carbon Clubs
WRI’s analysis and outreach supports the development of transformational low-carbon clubs—smaller groups of countries serious about combating climate change—that will drive emissions reductions and complement the multilateral UN climate regime.
New Climate Economy
Bringing together some of the world’s foremost economic experts to contribute to the global debate about climate change and economic policy, and to inform government, business and investment decisions.
Climate Equity
Working toward an equitable and ambitious international climate agreement in 2015 that is informed by science, considers the specific needs of the most vulnerable populations, and catalyzes sustainable development.
Climate Finance
Stabilizing the global climate is one of the most urgent challenges in coming decades. Our warming world affects all people and ecosystems, particularly the poor who already suffer disproportionately from climate-change impacts.
Measurement and Performance Tracking in Developing Countries
Building the capacity of developing countries to effectively track progress toward meeting domestic climate, energy, and development goals.
Open Climate Network
Bringing together independent research institutes and civil society groups from key countries around the world to monitor national progress on climate change policy.
Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage (CCS)
WRI provides strategic advice on the development of best practices, regulations, and standards for CCS and participates in the development of national and international strategies for CCS deployment, consistent with environmental and social integrity.
Emissions Tracking
CAIT Climate Data Explorer
CAIT provides free access to comparable greenhouse gas emissions data sets, as well as other climate-relevant indicators, to enable analysis on a wide range of climate-related data questions.
Greenhouse Gas Protocol
Standards and tools for companies and organizations to manage their GHG emissions and become more efficient, resilient, and prosperous.
Science Based Targets Initiative
Smart companies understand the risks posed by climate change and demonstrate leadership by setting science-based greenhouse gas reduction targets.
India Greenhouse Gas Program
India’s GHG Program is an industry-led voluntary framework aiming to help Indian companies monitor progress towards measurement and management of GHG emissions using tools and methodologies from WRI’s GHG Protocol.
Signature Initiatives
International Climate Action
The International Climate Action Initiative uses analysis, innovation and partnerships to achieve effective national policies and ambitious, equitable international climate action
New Climate Economy
Bringing together some of the world’s foremost economic experts to contribute to the global debate about climate change and economic policy, and to inform government, business and investment decisions.
Tools, Reporting, and Analysis for Climate (TRAC)
TRAC provides standards, tools, data, and analysis for use by countries, cities, and companies as the foundation for large-scale emissions reductions.
U.S. Climate Initiative
Providing support for achieving emission reductions and analysis on how leaders can achieve a stronger, cleaner economy
Paula Caballero
Global Director, Climate Program -
Pankaj Bhatia
Deputy Director, Climate Program; Global Director, GHG Protocol -
Sam Adams
Director, WRI United States -
David Waskow
Director, International Climate Initiative -
Kevin Kennedy
Deputy Director, U.S. Climate Initiative -
Nate Aden
Senior Fellow -
Vivek Adhia
Head - Business Engagement, WRI India -
Juan-Carlos Altamirano
Economist -
Arivudai Nambi Appadurai
India Adaptation Strategy Head -
Sebastian Castellanos
Energy and Climate Associate -
René Zamora Cristales
Associate, Initiative 20x20 -
Ian de Cruz
Deputy Director, Global Strategy & Partnerships -
Yamide Dagnet
Senior Associate, International Climate Action -
Christina DeConcini
Director, Government Affairs -
Helen Ding
Environmental Economist -
Pauline Hill
Project Coordinator II, TRAC Initiative -
Ayesha Dinshaw
Associate, Climate Resilience -
Courtney Durham
Program Coordinator III, NDC Partnership -
Christopher M. Ede-Calton
Outreach Lead, Climate Action & Data -
Cynthia Elliott
Associate, TRAC Policy -
Taryn Fransen
Project Director, Open Climate Network -
Johannes Friedrich
Senior Associate -
Chirag Gajjar
Associate, India GHG Program -
Mengpin Ge
Research Analyst II -
Rhys Gerholdt
Senior Communications Manager -
Namrata Ginoya
Project Associate, Climate Resilience -
Nancy Harris
Research Manager, Global Forest Watch -
Karl Hausker
Senior Fellow -
Devika Jaipuriar
Project Coordinator -
Noah Kaufman
Economist, The New Climate Economy -
Alex Kovac
Research Analyst II -
Kelly Levin
Senior Associate, Pillar Lead TRAC Policy -
Anjali Mahendra
Acting Research Director -
Niranjali Manel Amerasinghe
Climate Finance Associate -
Indira Masullo
Research Analyst -
Eliza Northrop
Associate II, International Climate Initiative -
Ariel C. Pinchot
Research Analyst -
David Rich
Senior Associate -
Viviane Romeiro
Climate Manager, WRI Brasil -
Ranping Song
Developing Country Climate Action Manager -
Tesfay Woldemariam
GIS and Remote Sensing Research Analyst -
Romeo Bertolini
Senior Associate, NDC Partnership -
Raquel Burke
Grants and Finance Associate -
Carley Chavara
Research Analyst -
Tyler Clevenger
Research Assistant -
David O'Connor
Sustainable Economist -
Ashwini Hingne
Senior Project Associate - Climate, WRI India -
Joe Thwaites
Associate, Finance Center -
Hanny Chrysolite
Forest and Climate Program Officer -
Yelena Akopian
Marketing and Communications Specialist, Climate Program -
Juliana Speranza
Research Analyst, WRI Brasil -
Moushumi Chaudhury
Associate, Climate Resilience -
Almo Pradana
Energy and Climate Manager -
Xiaoliang Yang
Associate, CCS Project Lead -
Alexander Tankou
Research Assistant -
Logan Byers
Powerplant Data & Python Programming Intern -
Xiangyi Li
Research Analyst I -
Jacob Waslander
Senior Associate -
Meg Beiter
Development Associate -
Roman Hennig
Research Analyst -
Paul Ryberg
Program Coordinator -
Wenyi Xi
Research Assistant, Climate Program, WRI China -
Aaron Kressig
Research Assistant -
Andrew Light
Distinguished Senior Fellow -
Whitney Pierson
Grants and Finance Coordinator II -
Katie Lebling
Research Analyst -
Katherine Ross
Research Analyst II -
Mathilde Bouyé
Associate, SDG Delivery Team -
Arief Wijaya
Climate & Forests Senior Manager -
Jiahui Feng
Climate Policy Intern -
Andrew Pickens
Communications Specialist, Climate Program -
Nathan Cogswell
Research Assistant -
Greg Carlock
Manager, Climate Action & Data -
Emily Mangan
Research Assistant -
Andrea Prada
Climate Data Intern -
Naomi Barker
Administrative Coordinator, NDC Partnership -
Zaid Thanawala
Low Carbon Modeling Intern -
Caryn Massey
Science Based Targets Initiative Intern -
Andrea Risotto
Communications Manager, NDC Partnership Support Unit -
Jahan Chowdhury
Country Engagement Director, NDC Partnership -
Lauren Sidner
Climate Finance Intern -
Brenda Huerta
Project Coordinator II, Country Engagement , NDC Partnership Support Unit -
Sydney-Johanna Stevns
Country Analyst II -
Ralien Bekkers
Country Analyst II -
Rebecca George
Project Coordinator II -
Rob Bradley
Knowledge and Research Director, NDC Partnership -
Karen Chen
Intern, America's Pledge -
Kelsey Lopez
Project Coordinator II, International Climate Action Initiative -
Nicholas Bianco
Knowledge Products Lead, NDC Partnership -
Talia Calnek-Sugin
Project Coordinator I, NDC Partnership Knowledge and Research -
Aleksandra Arcipowska
Manager, Online Data Tool & Visualizations