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US Environmental Protection Agency
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EPA @40
America Recycles Day celebration
It's My Environment! (part 2)
Fuel Economy Label
Infestations Vacations
It's My Environment!
Pick 5 for the Environment
It's My Environment - Instructions
Baby's First Green Steps
No te metas con mercurio
Don't Mess With Mercury
New, Green, Meadowlands Stadium
Progress on Green Recovery
Restoration with Native Plants
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US Environmental Protection
Channel Views:
Total Upload Views:
September 20, 2007
Last Visit Date:
2 days ago
Our mission is to protect health and to safeguard the natural environment upon which life depends. Since December 2, 1970, EPA has been working for a cleaner, healthier environment.
About Me:
We've got lots of accessible videos on our website: http://www.epa.gov/multimed...

We accept comments according to our comment policy: http://blog.epa.gov/blog/co...
Washington, DC
United States
Protecting health and the environment
Recent Activity  
(1 month ago)
In 2010, EPA's Office of Water produced this 11-minute video which highl...   more
(1 month ago)
Video of EPA@40 different events that happen over the past 40 years
(2 months ago)
Pick 5 is an international community of individuals like you taking acti...   more
(2 months ago)
Pick 5 is an international community of individuals like you taking acti...   more
(2 months ago)
What do you do to celebrate America Recycles Day? There are all sorts of...   more
Channel Comments (109)
Ingatlan1hu (3 weeks ago)
This last video is a great idea, but my chemistry teacher taught me that the strip light is dangerous, since it contains a lot o mercury.
Ingatlan1hu (3 weeks ago)
Yes. Good idea...
deergolem1 (3 weeks ago)
particulate matter pollution-pm10-pm2,5-nano tecnology-hidden source cars
deergolem1 (4 weeks ago)
brain for true end ecology
StylinSmooth (1 month ago)
Glad someone is looking out in our best interest!
hakukonemarkkinointi (1 month ago)
Thank you for protecting our environment!
Amozdan (1 month ago)
foreverlivingmlm (2 months ago)
"Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after another." Now this is what im talking about, awesome job well done here on your channel, Im subbed, please stop by and sub back.

more power to you,
nja2015 (3 months ago)
more needs to be done to reminded people periodically about saving water
PhyticAcid9 (4 months ago)
This is a great consumer outreach channel. Thanks!
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