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I'd rather like if you could put it on or off whenever you like...
and your mom is fatass
What a baws he was
Ok I Got Bought This Fukin Game For 60$ At Gamestop Just So It Would Freeze.
@sk8erboi977 just keep playing and you will be connor
@ubisoft Please fix it so WE (players) can choose if you want the hood on or of. I want it ON. Please Ubisoft fix it.
This is the best Ac thus far the kills are sick and outrageously satisfying graphics beautiful ...def a must buy for any Ac fan!!!!! Trust me!!!
This is the best Ac thus far ilks
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and altairs... and Ezios... i already know that mate but its Conners outfit i want the hood on.
superhumanLMJ in reply to gretschgrenadier (Show the comment) 1 day ago 7
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If we want to be technical, they should attack you during every damn animation. But that would ruin it.
TheFaisalano in reply to patrickpoo (Show the comment) 53 minutes ago
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