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Clean Power Plan Community Page
This website provides resources to help inform overburdened communities about the final Clean Power Plan and the proposed Federal Plan Requirements for Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Electric Utility Generating Units Constructed on or Before January 8, 2014; Model Trading Rules (this rulemaking will be henceforth referred to as the proposed federal plan). Additionally, this website provides resources that the EPA is making available to help communities engage with their states as they implement their plans and to assist communities in engaging with the EPA throughout the comment period for the proposed federal plan.
The Clean Power Plan will provide broad benefits to communities across the nation, as its purpose is to reduce greenhouse gases, the most significant driver of climate change. While addressing climate change will provide broad benefits, it is particularly beneficial to low-income communities of color that are already overburdened with pollution and that are more likely to be disproportionately affected by, and less resilient to, the impacts of climate change.
The electricity sector is, and will continue to be, investing more in renewable energy and energy efficiency. It is important to ensure that all communities share in these benefits.You will need Adobe Reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA’s About PDF page to learn more.
- EPA’s Commitment to EJ
- EJSCREEN (the EPA’s environmental justice mapping and screening tool)
- EJ Screening Report for the Clean Power Plan (Proximity Analysis) (PDF)(126 pp, 12.8 MB, About PDF)
- EJ Screening Report for the Proposed Federal Plan (Proximity Analysis) (PDF)(126 pp, 12.7 MB, About PDF)
- Past EPA Webinar Series for the Proposed Clean Power Plan
- EPA Webinar Series for Communities
- Other webinars/trainings
- DOE site:
- Administration Announces New Initiative to Increase Solar Access for All Americans, including the Administration goal of installing 300 megawatts of renewable energy in federally subsidized housing.
- National Community Solar Partnership
- Department of Energy: Weatherization Assistance Program
- Health and Human Service: Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program
- Department of Agriculture:
- Housing and Urban Development:
- Energy Efficient Mortgage Program
- Multifamily Property Accessed Clean Energy Pilot with the State of California, PowerSaver Program
- Section 108 Community Development Block Grants
- Treasury: New Markets Tax Credit Program
- Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (PDF)
- EPA:
- Job Training:
- EPA's Clean Power Plan and Community Fact Sheets:
- EPA’s Clean Power Plan: Resources for Communities (PDF)(3 pp, 522 K, About PDF)
- African Americans (PDF)(4 pp, 421 K, About PDF)
- Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (PDF)(4 pp, 536 K, About PDF)
- Agriculture (PDF)(4 pp, 514 K, About PDF)
- Children (PDF)(4 pp, 535 K, About PDF)
- Public Health (PDF)(3 pp, 417 K, About PDF)
- Outdoor Recreation (PDF)(4 pp, 419 K, About PDF)
- Faith Communities (PDF)(4 pp, 423 K, About PDF)
- Hispanic & Latino Communities (PDF)(4 pp, 519 K, About PDF)
- Labor (PDF)(4 pp, 513 K, About PDF)
- Older Americans (PDF)(3 pp, 413 K, About PDF)
- Tribes and Indigenous People (PDF)(5 pp, 540 K, About PDF)
- Other resources
- Learn more about environmental conditions in your community
- What EPA is doing about climate change
- AirNow: Find out how clean or polluted your outdoor air is, along with associated health effects that may be of concern.
- EnviroFlash – air quality forecasts and action day notification via email