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Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP)

Subpart H – Cement Production

Rule Information

Proposed and Promulgated Rules

40 CFR Part 98.80
Federal Register Date Citation Action Description
11/29/2013 78 FR 71904 Final Rule Finalizes amendments that consist of three parts: amendments related to global warming potentials (GWPs), other amendments largely based on feedback from stakeholders, and confidentiality determinations for new or revised data elements.
Preamble and Rule (PDF) (79 pp, 935K)
Memo: Table of Final 2013 Revisions to the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rule
09/11/2013 78 FR 55994 Proposed Rule Proposes amended recordkeeping and reporting requirements, and enhanced verification procedures for certain reporters in 24 GHGRP subparts. Proposed changes would address concerns that public disclosure of certain data elements that are inputs to the equations used to calculate emissions and deferred from reporting until 2015 would reveal business sensitive information and maintain EPA’s ability to verify emissions, and ensure compliance.
Preamble and Rule (PDF) (31pp., 550K)
Fact Sheet
Memorandum: List of ‘Inputs to Equations’ Data Elements Proposed Not To Be Reported
More Information
04/02/2013 78 FR 19802 Proposed Rule Proposal to amend the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP), including technical amendments, amendments related to global warming potentials (GWPs), and confidentiality determinations for new or revised data elements.
Preamble and Rule (PDF) (77 pp, 911K)
Fact Sheet
Correction to Proposed Rule (PDF) (2 pp, 255K)
05/26/2011 76 FR 30782 Final Rule Finalizes confidentiality determinations for 34 subparts for data elements that are not inputs to emissions equations. Finalizes amendments to 40 CFR 2 governing CBI obtained under 40 CFR 98.
Final Rule (PDF) (37 pp, 330K)
More information
10/28/2010 75 FR 66434 Final Rule Corrects technical and editorial errors, and clarifies rule provisions for subpart H and 17 other subparts.
Preamble and Rule (PDF) (47 pp, 376K)
More Information
06/15/2010 75 FR 33950 Proposed Rule Would provide technical corrections, clarifying language, and amend certain provisions related to subpart H and 17 other subparts.
Preamble and Rule (PDF) (34 pp, 316K)
More Information
10/30/2009 74 FR 56260 Final Rule Finalizes the mandatory reporting of 30 source categories for Reporting Year 2010.
Response to Comments
04/10/2009 74 FR 16448 Proposed Rule Would initiate the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program by requiring the reporting of GHG data and information from large sources and suppliers in the United States.
Technical Support Document

Implementation Information

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