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Atlantic Ecology Division Laboratory
89,922 gross square feet (GSF)
Personnel: 135
Energy Intensity:
FY 2014: 291,394 Btu per GSF
5.0% reduction from FY 2003 baseline
Water Intensity:
FY 2014: 12.93 gallons per GSF
55.9% reduction from FY 2007 baseline
Narragansett, Rhode Island
AED Laboratory is a state-of-the-art aquatic research facility for EPA's National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory under the Office of Research and Development.
Sustainable Features
- The facility is undertaking a multi-phase infrastructure replacement program (IRP) to upgrade mechanical, electrical, and laboratory equipment with more efficient systems. As part of the IRP, the laboratory plans to install a ground source heat pump that will use geothermal energy to provide heating and cooling to support the facility and provide winter process cooling for the seawater system.
- EPA developed a Sustainable Site Master Plan to provide a clear path for its phased laboratory modernization projects, which included reducing lawn mowing and replacing vegetation with native, non-invasive plant species that encourage healthy foliage growth.
- The facility has a green roof and 1,200-gallon cistern to capture excess stormwater runoff through roof drains, and AED reuses the water for irrigation during dry periods.
- A 5 kilowatt (kW) photovoltaic (PV) array and four 1 kW wind turbines on the green roof help offset some of the laboratory’s energy use. In FY 2014, the renewable energy systems generated 4,443 kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity.
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