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Greening EPA

National Exposure Research Laboratory

Athens, Georgia – ORD

Aerial photo of EPA’s National Exposure Research Laboratory in Athens, Georgia.

78,146 gross square feet (GSF)
Personnel: 153

Energy Intensity:
FY 2014: 223,422 Btu per GSF
37.9% reduction from FY 2003 baseline

Water Intensity:
FY 2014: 10.54 gallons per GSF
76.2% reduction from FY 2007 baseline

The Ecosystems Research Division of EPA’s National Exposure Research Laboratory, conducts research on organic and inorganic chemicals, greenhouse gas biogeochemical cycles, and land use perturbations that create stressor exposures and potential risks to humans and ecosystems. EPA’s Office of Research and Development (ORD) also maintains the following facilities:

  • The Environmental Research Laboratory contains the Center for Exposure Assessment Modeling Annex, which is used as office space by ORD, and an Environmental Information Annex, which is used as a library and conference area.
  • The Bailey Road Annex serves as a laboratory and office space for an analytical support facility for the Ecosystems Research Division of the National Exposure Research Laboratory.

Sustainable Features

  • The laboratory replaced two electric boilers that provided hot water for domestic use with one electric hot water heater.
  • All fluorescent lighting was replaced with T‑8 bulbs and electronic ballasts and all incandescent bulbs were replaced with compact fluorescent bulbs, reducing energy use 10 percent.
  • Two solar hot water systems preheat water before it reaches water heaters in the office annex building and the main building.
  • The laboratory’s entryway has a photovoltaic (PV) system that generates more than 12,000 kilowatt hours of electricity to power the guard shack.

For more information visit National Exposure Research Laboratory or the EPA Facility Contact List.