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Region 1 (New England) Indoor Air Quality Information
EPA Region 1
Regional Contacts
Indoor Air and Asthma: MaryBeth Smuts (, Eugene Benoit ( and Rhona Julien (
Radon: Dan Burke (
Clean, Green and Healthy Schools: Jessica Hing (
Tribal Coordinator: Eugene Benoit (
Featured Links
Indoor Air Issues at Federal Facilities
The Federal Facility Program has initiated and developed an indoor air brochure for Federal Facility environmental managers. This brochure has been distributed to Federal Facility managers and also has been sent to several of the other Regions. A seminar was held informing Federal Facility personnel of indoor air quality problems, mitigation measures and additional resources.
Region 1 Asthma Program
EPA Region 1's Asthma Program supports asthma education and reduction of environmental factors to address the problem of asthma in New England. In order to do this, the Asthma program works with multiple partners to try to identify and promote best practices in the management of asthma and reduction of environmental factors. The partners in this effort include:
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
- State asthma programs
- Asthma coalitions
- Other non-profit environmental health organizations