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Lead Sites Workgroup (LSW)
Established in August 1996, the LSW consists of remedial project managers (RPMs) and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) project managers, toxicologists, and representatives from EPA Headquarters. The goals of the LSW are to identify and resolve key issues
on lead response decisions and provide updated guidance for addressing lead sites in a nationally consistent manner. The LSW also develops guidance and position papers that clarify national policy or address issues lacking clear policy regarding response to lead contamination at Superfund sites. Additionally, the LSW provides consultation to remedial project managers (RPMs) and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) project managers, upon request, to advise on unique or precedent-setting site-specific issues.
LSW Activities:
- Identify key technical and policy issues that need to be addressed or clarified to promote national consistency at lead sites. These issues may be raised through normal interaction between workgroup members at meetings or conference calls or by the Lead Sites Consultation Group (LSCG) or Technical Review Workgroup for Metals and Asbestos (TRW).
- Identify key implementation issues at sites that may have national impact. The LSW evaluates the key risk management decisions and works with the TRW on key risk assessment assumptions for some sites in order to identify issues that need further LSW discussion, policy, and/or guidance development.
- Address the identified issues through preparation of position papers detailing the opinions of the LSW on key policy and implementation issues. The position papers are presented to the Regional Superfund Division Directors for concurrence, then elevated to the Director of the Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response for issuance as directives, guidance, or reference documents.
- Hold annual meetings. The LSW meets at least once a year to continue dialogue, share experiences, discuss issues and lessons learned and develop position papers, guidance, or reference documents.
- Provide site-specific consultation services at the request of the remedial project manager (RPM), Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) project manager, Headquarters Regional Coordinator, or TRW. These consultations may include file review, site visits, meetings with the project manager and risk assessor, and/or development of recommendations by the LSW.
LSW Co-Chairs
Sara Sparks ( U.S. EPA Region 8 (Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming and 27 Tribal Nations)
Shahid Mahmud ( U.S. EPA Headquarters