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TRI-MEweb Tutorials
An Overview of TRI-MEweb
These tutorials are Flash-based videos that demonstrate how different areas of the TRI-MEweb reporting application work. Each tutorial focuses on a particular piece of functionality or reporting step.
Note: These tutorials include audio and require the Adobe Flash player Exit
Getting Started
- Webinar: How to Use TRI-MEweb to Prepare and Submit Toxics Release Inventory Reporting Forms (MOV)
- On May 21, 2014, EPA hosted a webinar about how to register with the Central Data Exchange (CDX) and how to use TRI-MEweb to prepare and submit TRI reporting forms. (MOV, 414 MB) (Duration: 48 minutes)
- Register for a CDX Account as a Certifying Official (SWF)
- The TRI-MEweb reporting application is housed within the Central Data Exchange. This tutorial demonstrates how to register for CDX and sign up for a preparer or certifying official role within TRI-MEweb. (Duration: 5 minutes)
- Register for a CDX Account as a TRI-MEweb Preparer (SWF)
- The TRI-MEweb reporting application is housed within CDX. This tutorial demonstrates how to register for a new CDX User Account as a TRI-MEweb Preparer and associate your account with your facilities. (Duration: 7 minutes)
- Accessing Facility Data (SWF)
- Shows new and existing TRI-MEweb account holders how to gain access to their facility's TRI Facility ID and corresponding data or create a new facility for first-time filers. (Duration: 18 minutes)
- Getting Help (SWF)
- This tutorial shows how to access information resources available within the application to assist with both regulatory and technical questions. (Duration: 8 minutes)
Preparing & Certifying Forms
- RY 2014 Information Collection Request (ICR) and Pollution Prevention (P2) Enhancements (SWF)
- This tutorial describes the Information Collection Request and Pollution Prevention enhancements newly implemented in TRI-MEweb for reporting year 2014. (Duration: 16 minutes)
- User Interface Improvements (SWF)
- This tutorial describes the General, Form Preparation and Certifying Official Role User Interface Improvements for reporting year 2014. (Duration: 15 minutes)
- Entering Optional Facility-Level Information (SWF)
- This tutorial shows TRI-MEweb account holders how to report optional facility level information to EPA for the current reporting year. (Duration: 8 minutes)
- Transmit, Certify, and Cancel TRI Submissions (SWF)
- This tutorial shows TRI preparers and certifiers how to prepare, validate, transmit, certify, or cancel TRI submissions within TRI-MEweb. (Duration: 15 minutes)
- Form Review, Revision and Withdraw (SWF)
- This tutorial shows TRI preparers and certifiers how to review form submissions within TRI-MEweb and revise or withdraw previous submissions that have been certified and processed by EPA. (Duration: 8 minutes)
- Importing Prior Year Data (SWF)
- This tutorial demonstrates how to import prior year data to assist facilities with TRI form completion. (Duration: 6 minutes)
- NOTE: Data from previous forms submitted as mixtures cannot be imported.
- Section 8 Calculator (SWF)
- TRI-MEweb automatically populates Form R Part II, Section 8 data by aggregating appropriate values in Part II, Sections 5-7. This tutorial demonstrates how to review and edit automatically populated values in Section 8. (Duration: 9 minutes)
- Pollution Prevention (SWF)
- EPA has increased the prominence and accessibility of pollution prevention (P2) information submitted to TRI. This tutorial demonstrates how to complete required P2 data elements, provide additional detail on P2 achievements, and use a new TRI-MEweb wizard to automatically calculate a production ratio. (Duration: 19 minutes)
- Using the Upload/Download Data Tool (SWF)
- This tutorial shows how users can use their own software to generate an XML file(s) that can be uploaded directly into TRI-MEweb through the Upload/Download Data Tool. (Duration: 11 minutes)
- NOTE: XML Schema changes required for RY 2014 uploads are located in the Data Exchange Description Exit.
- Completing the Form R Schedule 1 (SWF)
- Since RY 2008, EPA has required filers of Dioxin and Dioxin-like Compounds to use a special form and specify values of all 17 dioxin congeners. This tutorial demonstrates how to use this form (Duration: 10 minutes)
- NOTE: This is the only chemical reported in grams.
- Nominate a Certifying Official (SWF)
- A senior management official or certifying official is required to review all TRI forms and certify that the prepared information is accurate; this tutorial assists preparers in nominating their certifying official for submission of pending TRI forms and check the status of an Electronic Signature Agreement. (Duration: 8 minutes)