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Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) Program

TRI Reporting Forms and Instructions

Facilities must use TRI-MEweb to submit TRI reporting forms to EPA (except for trade secret information, which facilities will still complete on paper). Please visit the Electronic Reporting of Toxics Release Inventory Data webpage for details on this requirement to use TRI-MEweb.

For reference purposes, below are TRI reporting forms and instructions on how to report. TRI forms must be submitted by July 1 of each year. Please consider EPA's Audit Policy for submissions that are past due or being revised, and for information about self-disclosing. 

The TRI Reporting Forms and Instructions manual contains detailed explanations of how to report quantities of routine and accidental chemical releases, and releases resulting from catastrophic or other one-time events of EPCRA Section 313 chemicals, as well as the maximum amount of chemicals held on-site during the calendar year and the amount contained in wastes managed on-site or transferred off-site.

On this page:

Reporting Forms and Instructions by Reporting Year

Submitting TRI Reports to States and Tribes

  • Facilities are required to submit TRI reports to both EPA and the applicable state, territory or tribe. Facilities located in a state (or the Indian country of a tribe) that participates in the TRI Data Exchange participants can fulfill their TRI reporting obligations by submitting their TRI forms via the Central Data Exchange using TRI-MEweb.
  • Facilities located in a state (or the Indian country of a tribe) that doesn't participate in the TRI Data Exchange must submit a separate TRI report to the appropriate state or tribe. Addresses and contact information are available for states and tribes

Trade Secret Submission and Substantiation