Federal Infrastructure Task Force to Improve Access to Safe Drinking Water and Basic Sanitation to Tribal Communities
On this page:
- Background: Goals, Purpose and Current Membership
- Fact Sheets & Final Reports
- Workgroup Documents & Reports
- Partner Agency Infrastructure Program Guidelines
- Meeting Summaries
- Federal Partner Represenatives
I. Background: Goals, Purpose and Current Membership
At the 2000 World Summit on Sustainable Development the United States agreed to support the United Nations Millennium Development Goals including improving access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation.
In 2007 a multi-agency tribal Infrastructure Task Force (“Task Force”) was created to develop and coordinate federal activites in delivering water infrastructure, wastewater infrastructure and solid waste management services to tribal communities.
The federal partners:
- Department of Agriculture
- Environmental Protection Agency
- Department of Health and Human Services
- Department of Housing and Urban Development
- Department of the Interior
II. Fact Sheets & Final Reports
- Accomplishments and Current Activities (March 2013)
- Preliminary Engineering Report (January 2013)
- Sustainable Infrastructure Goals and Concepts Document (November 2011)
- Progress to Date: Meeting the Access Goal (December 2010)
- Response to Access Subgroup Report (October 2009)
- Meeting the Access Goal: Strategies for Increasing Access to Safe Drinking Water and Wastewater Treatment to American Indian and Alaska Native Villages (March 2008)
- Tribal Water Resource Directory
This is a catalog of over thirty federal and non-federal programs that offer funding and technical support for tribal drinking water and wastewater systems. - Homeowner's Guide to Septic Systems for Tribal Communities
III. Workgroup Documents & Reports
- Summary of Commonalities and Best Practices from Tribal Utilities (January 2012)
- Application Processes and Recommended Paperwork Streamlining Opportunities (February 2011)
- National Environmental Policy Act Requirements (February 2011)
- Map of Water Infrastructure and Homes Without Access to Safe Drinking Water and Basic Sanitation on the Navajo Nation (October 2010)
- Strategies for Improving Technical Assistance Delivery in American Indian and Alaska Native Village Communities (March 2010)
- Tribal Solid Waste Management Opportunity (September 2014)
IV. Partner Agency Infrastructure Program Guidelines
- US Environmental Protection Agency
- Drinking Water Infrastructure Grant Tribal Set Aside Program (December 2013)
- EPA Clean Water Indian Set Aside Program (Sept 2013)
(Document is pending final review and approval. The current version is available at the CWISA Program website.)
- Indian Health Service
- US Department of Agriculture
- US Department of Housing and Urban Development
- US Department of Interior
V. Meeting Summaries
Federal partner Contacts:
- US Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Water and Environmental Program
Jacki Ponti-Lazaruk (jacki.ponti@wdc.usda.gov)
Assistant Administrator
Phone: 202-690-2670 - US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Office of Native American Programs, Office of Grant Evaluation
Jennifer Bullough (Jennifer.A.Bullough@hud.gov)
Phone (202) 402-4274 - US Department of Health and Human Services
Indian Health Service (IHS), Sanitation Facilities Construction Program
Mark Calkins (Mark.Calkins@ihs.gov)
Phone: (301) 443-1046 - US Department of the Interior (DOI)
Indian Affairs, Bureau of Indian Affairs
Mike Black (mike.black@bia.gov)
Phone: (202) 208-5116 - US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Office of Water, Office of Wastewater Management
Sheila Frace (Frace.Sheila@epa.gov)
Deputy Office Director
Phone: (202) 564-0749