State and Local Transportation Resources
Mobility Management Strategies: Commuter Programs
This page provides links to EPA and non-EPA Web-based resources that provide additional information on mobility management strategies. Links go directly to specific Web sites or documents that address commuter programs.
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Resources
- Other Federal Departments & Agencies
- State, Local, and Regional Programs
- Non-Governmental Organizations
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U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Resources
- Guidance for Crediting Best Workplaces for Commuters and Similar Programs in State Implementation Plans (SIPs) and Transportation Conformity Determinations
EPA guidance for calculating and crediting emission reductions when commuter programs successfully reduce vehicle pollution. - Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Case Studies and Commuter Testimonials (PDF) (99pp, 279K)
Prepared by the Transportation Demand Management Institute of the Association for Commuter Transportation as part of a cooperative agreement with the EPA, this document provides numerous case studies of successful commuter programs around the country, including valuable anecdotal program information. - Transportation Control Measures (TCMs) - Technical Overviews of Commuter Programs
EPA factsheets on different commute-related measures, including telework, emergency ride home programs, and work schedule changes.- Bicycle and Pedestrian Programs (PDF) (8pp, 72K, EPA420-S-98-002, July, 1998)
- Commute Alternative Incentives (PDF) (10pp, 75K, EPA420-S-98-003, July, 1998)
- Guaranteed Ride Home (PDF) (6pp, 57K, EPA420-S-98-005, July, 1998)
- High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes (PDF) (8pp, 68K, EPA420-S-98-006, July, 1998)
- Telecommuting (PDF) (6pp, 58K, EPA420-S-98-011, July, 1998)
- Work Schedule Changes (PDF) (7pp, 63K, EPA420-S-98-014, July, 1998)
Other Federal Departments & Agencies
- Federal Interagency Telework/Telecommuting Site
A resource managed by the U.S. General Services Administration and the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, which provides access to telework guidance issued by both agencies, offers the locations of telework centers, and describes federal agency policies. - Federal Transit Administration
Provides links to a variety of information on commuter choice including a commuter choice toolkit.
State, Local, and Regional Programs
A comprehensive search tool to help you find commuter options in your state, region, or local area.
Non-Governmental Organizations
- Commuter Benefit Briefs
Comprehensive summaries published through Best Workplaces for Commuters program, which was developed by EPA and DOT and is now administered by the Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR), include the following commuter benefits: commuter choice tax benefits, transit and vanpool benefits, vanpool programs, parking cash out, telecommuting/telework, emergency ride home, carpool incentive programs. - Best Workplaces for Commuters
A public-private sector voluntary program advocating employer-provided commuter benefits. - Alliance for Work-Life Progress
A not-for-profit professional association for the development and advancement of work-life effectiveness, including telework and flexible work schedules. - American Public Transportation Association
A national organization representing bus, rapid transit, and commuter rail systems, and the organizations responsible for planning, designing, constructing, financing, and operating transit systems. - Association for Commuter Transportation (ACT)
An international organization for professionals who specialize in commute options and solutions as well as organizations, businesses, and individuals interested in creating a more workable transportation system. - International Telework Association & Council
A nonprofit organization that deals with the economic, social, and environmental benefits of telework. - National TDM and Telework Clearinghouse
A resource maintained by the National Center for Transit Research at the University of South Florida, which provides information on operating transportation demand management and telework programs at worksites. - The Clean Air Campaign
A campaign designed to motivate Georgians to take action to improve air quality and reduce traffic congestion, including through various commuter options.