The WaterSense Label
By using water efficient products and practices, consumers save natural resources, reduce water consumption, and save money. In order to realize these savings, consumers need to be able to identify products and services that use less water while performing as well as or better than conventional models.
WaterSense makes it easy to find and select water efficient products and ensures consumer confidence in those products with a label backed by independent certification. Certifying organizations help maintain the WaterSense integrity and credibility by verifying and testing products for: conformance to WaterSense specifications, efficiency, performance, label use and also conduct periodic market surveillance.
WaterSense also labels professional certification programs and promotes professionals certified by a WaterSense labeled program.
What it Means
Products bearing the WaterSense label:
- Perform as well or better than their less efficient counterparts.
- Are 20 percent more water efficient than average products in that category.
- Realize water savings on a national level.
- Provide measurable water savings results.
- Achieve water efficiency through several technology options.
- Are effectively differentiated by the WaterSense label.
- Obtain independent, third-party certification.
For companies to use the label, they must sign a WaterSense partnership agreement. Among other things, the partnership agreement defines the roles and responsibilities of EPA and the partnering organization, as well as proper use of the label on products, on packaging, and in marketing and other promotional materials.
Look for the Label
The WaterSense label can be found on products for the home, including:
- Bathroom sink faucets and accessories
- New homes
- Showerheads
- Toilets
- Urinals
- Weather-based Irrigation Controllers
The WaterSense label also appears on professional certification programs for landscape irrigation professionals. These WaterSense labeled programs verify professional proficiency in water-efficient irrigation system design, installation/maintenance, and auditing.
WaterSense is continually working to expand the number of products and service programs that qualify for the label. Visit the pipeline to preview products and services that WaterSense is currently developing specifications for.
A summary document describing the WaterSense label is also available in PDF (1 pg, 164K, About PDF).