Smart Outdoor Practices
Are you a landscape
irrigation professional?
Learn about the WaterSense labeled certification programs.
irrigation professional?
Learn about the WaterSense labeled certification programs.
Did you know that residential outdoor water use across the United States accounts for nearly 9 billion gallons of water each day, mainly for landscape irrigation? The average U.S. household uses more water outdoors than most American homes use for showering and washing clothes combined.
By following some simple steps, you can have a water-smart landscape that's beautiful, healthy, and easy to maintain:
Additional Resources
Your local water utility, landscaping and irrigation service providers, cooperative extension services, nurseries and garden centers can provide guidance that's best for your region. Also consider the following online resources to learn more about water-smart landscaping and water-saving technologies.
- Learn the basics of water-smart landscape design (PDF) (14 pg, 2.33M, About PDF).
- Find out how Your Yard Can Be Greener (PDF) (4 pg, 615K, About PDF) with EPA's abbreviated guide for water–smart landscapes.
- Best management practices on outdoor water use for large landscapes can also be found in WaterSense at Work.
- See the Landscape for Life website for comprehensive information on creating a sustainable landscape.
- Visit the EPA GreenScapes website to learn what you can do to preserve natural resources while keeping your lawn and garden healthy.
- Visit the Alliance for Water Efficiency Resource Library for more information on outdoor water efficiency.
- Visit the U.S. Golf Association’s Golf’s Use of Water Resource Center for information about how golf facilities and golfers can support more sustainable use of water resources.