Election 2020 timeline: 11.13.20

The latest news out of the 2020 presidential election.
4:53 | 11/14/20

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Transcript for Election 2020 timeline: 11.13.20
The citizens of this country come. In record numbers of recognition is having been anything like rap to be patient. Until we the hard work out and vote is finished. War. Who. Why do. It has an anxious unsettling times. And through it all America is voting like never before. When the polls opened this morning more than a hundred million of us had already cast our ballots an astonishing display of citizenship. For the first time ever more Americans vote before Election Day. And on the day itself counting could take some time this year and that is okay and not knowing the outcome tonight does not mean the process is broken. It does not mean the election is unfair and what's most important be. Is it every citizen casts a valid vote gets that vote counted how ever long it takes. I sing and act on its home. Our rebounder Adam ala Allah restore basic decency and honor. The White House. I. Okay. Okay okay. I. The lines are amazing lives have been amazing. And I think we're gonna have a great night and have a great night. And you have much more important than ever worked for years you're an anti company waited four years of letting him he was of people came early but they can't come off people complain about a hundred times those things out I mean but against the president one time. And that finally ended days of voters in late as I can I think people are very strong faintly. I think we've been really encouraged by a beer enormous turnout that we've seen across early vote we've seen record levels of turnout we believe that we really banks and a lot of those in these these keys Dave.

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