Benjamin Bell

Digital Producer

I am a digital producer on This Week.

Results 1 - 15 of 104 for byline:"Benjamin Bell"
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Obama Calls Boehner Lawsuit Threat a 'Stunt'
Jun 27, 2014 07:16 AM Story from Politics BENJAMIN BELL, ABC News
'Freedom Summer': Watch a Clip of the PBS Documentary
Benjamin Bell
Jun 26, 2014 02:25 PM Blog Entry from Politics Benjamin Bell, ABC News
Justice Sonia Sotomayor Defends Race-Based Affirmative Action
Benjamin Bell
Jun 22, 2014 12:26 PM Blog Entry from Politics Benjamin Bell, ABC News
Sen. Rand Paul Is 'Basically an Isolationist,' Says Dick Cheney
Benjamin Bell
Jun 22, 2014 02:17 PM Blog Entry from Politics Benjamin Bell, ABC News
Justice Sonia Sotomayor Promises That Hillary Clinton Costco Encounter Wasn't Planned
Benjamin Bell
Jun 22, 2014 10:55 AM Blog Entry from Politics Benjamin Bell, ABC News
Susan Rice Cites 'Sacred Obligation' in Making Deal for Bergdahl's Freedom
Benjamin Bell
Jun 01, 2014 12:26 PM Blog Entry from Politics Benjamin Bell, ABC News
Five Things You Might Not Know About Eric Cantor
Benjamin Bell
Jun 15, 2014 11:51 AM Blog Entry from Politics Benjamin Bell, ABC News
Rep. Eric Cantor 'Absolutely' Shocked by Primary Loss
Benjamin Bell
Jun 15, 2014 12:30 PM Blog Entry from Politics Benjamin Bell, ABC News
Four Things You Might Not Know About Dick Cheney
Benjamin Bell
Jun 20, 2014 09:58 AM Blog Entry from Politics Benjamin Bell, ABC News
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: More Whites Believe in Ghosts Than in Racism
Benjamin Bell
May 04, 2014 02:28 PM Blog Entry from Politics Benjamin Bell, ABC News
Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel: Military's Transgender Policy 'Continually Should Be Reviewed'
Benjamin Bell
May 11, 2014 08:42 AM Blog Entry from Politics Benjamin Bell, ABC News
Your Washington Monument Photos
Benjamin Bell
May 10, 2014 01:10 PM Blog Entry from Politics Benjamin Bell, ABC News
Sen. Marco Rubio: Yes, I'm Ready to be President
Benjamin Bell
May 11, 2014 08:48 AM Blog Entry from Politics Benjamin Bell, ABC News
Bill Kristol Admonishes Karl Rove for Hillary Clinton Health Comments
Benjamin Bell
May 18, 2014 05:28 PM Blog Entry from Politics Benjamin Bell, ABC News
Sunday on 'This Week': A Tribute to Barbara Walters
Benjamin Bell
May 16, 2014 12:40 PM Blog Entry from Politics Benjamin Bell, ABC News
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