Contemplation By Design: Wednesday, November 5

(The following information cites time of event, event name, location - and sponsoring organizations.)

12:00 p.m. - Integrating Our Work and Life Aspirations, Building 300, Main Quad, Room 300 - WorkLife Office and HIP

Phyllis Stewart Pires will address the 24/7 “always on” work-life culture and help you establish life and work goals while creating a more meaningful life. This informative session will address intentional choices, purposeful decision making, and accepting what life is in the current moment. Discussion to follow. 

Phyllis Stewart Pires, Senior Director of WorkLife Strategy,

 is responsible for designing and managing programs and services that support the Stanford community in navigating the competing demands of work, study, personal and family lives. She also leads Stanford’s Voice and Influence Circles Pilot Program. Phyllis brings a personal passion for ensuring the work environment addresses the changing needs of today’s workforce and families. She is part of a dual-career couple and has three busy children ages 9, 16 and 19.
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5:00 p.m. – Walking Meditation and Contemplation of Inscriptions in Memorial Church, Memorial Church - Memorial Church, ORL and HIP

This walking meditation will be held in the awe-inspiring tranquility of Memorial Church and centered on the sandstone inscriptions carved in the interior walls of this beautiful space. Assembled by Jane Stanford over the years, these inscriptions represent a collection of instructive and inspirational quotes to nourish the soul and spirit.  

Rev. Joanne Sanders, Associate Dean for Religious Life at Stanford, preaches and presides regularly at services in Memorial Church. She is responsible for bringing contemplative practices such as Compline (an evening candelit service of chanted song) and the Labyrinth (an ancient guide for walking meditation and centering) to the Stanford and local community.
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8:00 p.m. - Om Under the Dome (yoga), Memorial Church - Memorial Church, ORL, HIP 

Rejuvenate the body, mind and spirit by performing sacred gestures in Memorial Church. Enjoy the space and light offered by this awe-inspiring architecture. Please bring a yoga mat. Yoga instructor: Rebecca Snowball.

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9:00 p.m. - Contemplation Breaks for Stanford Students, Residence Halls - Office of Student Affairs: Residential Education, CAPS, I Thrive, PHEs

are invited to gather in the common room of their residence to enjoy a 30-minute contemplation break facilitated by their Resident Assistants and CAPS staff or I Thrive peer health educators.
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