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Welcome! 歡 迎 你 哋 嚟 學 廣 東 話!欢 迎 你 们 来 学 广 东 话!


The program offers two-unit oral-communication courses for heritage speakers, Mandarin speakers, and foriegn language learners at different proficiency levels.  Cantonese and Cantonese-American cultures are integrated with language materials.  Basic Cantonese characters are also incorporated at all three levels.


A native of Hong Kong, Dr. Sik Lee Dennig has taught courses in Linguistics and Cantonese/English as a Foreign Langage in Hong Kong, Canada, Japan, and the U.S.  She has coordinated the Cantonese program for over ten years.  For placement tests or information about the program, contact her at

About Cantonese

There are over 64 million Cantonese speakers worldwide. Who are these people? Where did their ancestors come from? Why is Cantonese more different from Mandarin than Spanish is from French? This web page is all about Cantonese people, language, and culture..

Language Resources

Language learning material, sites for authentic Cantonese, and resources such as software for reading text in Cantonese and for inputting Cantonese characters are presented on this web page.

Community Links

Listed on this web page are links to other departments, overseas Cantonese programs, Stanford student organizations, local community groups, associations, and cultural centers are listed.

Heritage Language

This web page is devoted to Cantonese as a heritage language learners. It defines who they are and describes the characteristics of their Cantonese.