Fall 2016 Letter from the Outgoing Actives Presidents

So many emotions swirl as we write this letter of aloha, saying “hello” and “goodbye” in the same breath. Hello to the much-anticipated “real world” of life post-graduation. For Caroline, that means graduate school on a familiar campus; for Marisa, full-time work at Microsoft in Seattle.

Hello to the tribulations and triumphs of adulthood—monthly apartment bills to pay and grocery shopping to do…but candles and pets that do not have to be hidden and dinner parties where not a Solo cup is to be found. Hello to the strange and sad realization that friends are not just a few steps away down a dormitory hall, but hello also to the comfort of a network of incredible alumni—most especially, the Cap and Gown alumni!—greeting us with open arms.

Goodbye to our roles as Actives Co-Presidents, posts we held with pride and humble honor. Goodbye to the Cap and Gown structure of days past, which opened its doors to only a select few women. Goodbye to the way we have been doing Tapping Tea and the exclusivity it embodied. Goodbye to the moments of disappointment when some women were tapped while their friends were not.

Hello to a new era of Cap and Gown, and the tremendous power we unleash in expanding our circles to all those who support the Cap and Gown mission. Hello to creating community through a clear mission and building a stronger organization through a more engaged student membership. As we leave the Actives leadership in the capable hands of Negin Behzadian and Anna Zappone, along with the terrific team of leaders on the Actives Board, we recognize that the continuity of this extraordinary organization is a team effort that rests with each of us. It is a very empowering time to be a member of Cap and Gown, as we all now more than ever are responsible for ushering amazing people into our circles. The organization lives and breathes in step with all of us, and we are eager to befriend the newest Cap and Gown members soon.

We extend our deepest gratitude to the members of the Alumni Board who vested their trust in us as the 2015-16 Actives leaders. Speaking of empowerment, it was incredibly inspiring to observe and be swept up in your unparalleled devotion to Cap and Gown, Alumni Board members! Our year at the helm was an unforgettable experience, and we will carry wonderful memories in our hearts for the rest of our lives. Proceeding from the beauty of Tapping Tea to the energy of Winter Welcome to the warmth of Spring Brunch, each event left a lasting impression on its attendees. We broke records—two winter speakers, unsurpassed dues collections—and we built friendships—bonds so strong that Graduation Tea saw plenty of teary eyes.

It’s hard to say “goodbye” after investing so much of ourselves in Cap and Gown’s leadership over the past year. But we could not be more excited about Cap and Gown’s future, and we are very thrilled to continue to be a part of it as members of the Alumni Board. It is such an honor to continue to be involved, and we look forward to staying in close contact in the coming year. “Hello” to our new responsibilities, which we pledge to undertake with the same enthusiasm and passion.

Thank you all for an outstanding experience as the Actives leaders.

Here’s to making memories in the coming year as well!

With appreciation,

Marisa Messina ‘16

Caroline Frost ‘16
