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Concentration in Jewish Studies logo Committed to exploring high impact research questions, exploring new methods of inquiry, cultivating creative scholarship, and producing usable knowledge, EdJS provides a vibrant home for students and scholars interested in better understanding how people learn, what they learn, and what that learning ultimately means for themselves and their communities.

This unique interdisciplinary initiative is a home for innovative research at the intersection of Education and Jewish Studies. Studies of education focus on the diversity of ways in which people learn, from the cognitive to the cultural, and from classrooms and curricula to popular culture and social networks. Similarly, Jewish Studies investigates the varieties of Jewish experiences historically, transnationally, and in conversation with social formations like race, class, gender, sexuality, and religion. EDJS is a vibrant scholarly home for students and scholars interested in better understanding how these two fields of study overlap, interact, and mutually inform one another.

The PhD Concentration in Education and Jewish Studies is part of the Stanford Graduate School of Education and has been generously supported by a gift from the Jim Joseph Foundation.

For more information about the program, please visit

The Graduate School of Education offers a Certificate Program for students interested in Quantitative Research in Education (QRE).  The Certificate Program, unlike a Master’s Program, is not a degree program, but rather provides students with a certificate indicating that they have completed a set of training requirements in methods of conducting rigorous quantitative research in education.  For students in degree programs outside the Graduate School of Education interested in developing expertise in education research (e.g., Sociology students interested in the Sociology of Education, or Psychology students interested in school-based interventions), the Certificate Program provides a curriculum to facilitate training and a credential signaling their expertise in quantitative education-related research.

To earn a Certificate in QRE, Stanford students must satisfy the following requirements:

  1. Students must submit a proposed QRE study plan form for approval by the Certificate Program Director; once the study plan is approved, a copy is given Stanford GSE’s Doctoral Program Officer.
  2. Students must complete the following courses (with a grade of B or higher):
    1. 2 courses in Education Policy, Institutions, or Practices [6+ credits total]. A list of possible courses includes (but is not limited to):
      1. EDUC 271: Education Policy in the US
      2. EDUC 220B: Introduction to the Politics of Education
      3. EDUC 220D: History of School Reform: Origins, Policies, Outcomes, and Explanations
      4. EDUC 306A: Economics of Education in the Global Economy
      5. EDUC 347: The Economics of Higher Education
    2. 3 courses in the EDUC 255 Series  [9+ credits total]
      1. EDUC 255A: Experimental Research Designs in Educational Research
      2. EDUC 255B: Causal Inference in Quantitative Educational and Social Science Research
      3. EDUC 255C: Applied Quasi-Experimental Research in Education
    3. 3 quarters of EDUC 339: Advanced Topics in Quantitative Policy Analysis (completion of one presentation of original research project in one of the quarters) [3+ credits total]
    4. 1 course in Education Psychometrics [3+ credits total].  Possible courses include:
      1. EDUC 252: Introduction to Test Theory
      2. EDUC 353A: Problems in Measurement: Item Response Theory
      3. EDUC 353C: Problems in Measurement: Generalizability Theory

    All courses will be chosen in consultation with the primary faculty advisor and the Certificate Program Director.  For students not in Stanford GSE, those courses required by the student's home department may also count for the Certificate in QRE – approval of home department and Certificate Program Director is required for substitution.

  3. Upon satisfactory completion of the required course work, the Certificate Completion Form should be signed by the Certificate Program Director and Stanford GSE’s Doctoral Program Officer.
  4. Successful candidates will receive a Certificate of Completion, signed by the Stanford GSE Dean and Certificate Program Director.  A copy will be placed in the student file.

The Stanford Graduate School of Education and the Departments of Sociology, Political Science, and Economics now offer an interdisciplinary training program for PhD students interested in education policy analysis. The Program is designed to provide doctoral students in social science disciplines (especially Sociology, Political Science, Economics, though it is open to students in other departments as well) and in the Graduate School of Education with advanced training in state‐of‐the‐art quantitative methods of discipline‐based education policy analysis. For more information, please see:

The Ph.D. Minor in Education is intended for doctoral students at Stanford who would like to earn a Minor in Education while studying for their Ph.D. in another department or school outside of the GSE. Students must take at least 20 units of Education courses taught by GSE faculty (courses may be crosslisted). All courses must be at or above the 200 level, and at least 15 units must be taken for a letter grade. Students should also select an area of concentration within the GSE, which they should address in their statement.

Application Procedures: Submit application packet to the Doctoral Programs Officer, in the Academic Services Office in Cubberley 135. The application packet consists of the following:

  1. Graduate School of Education's application, including program proposal (this two-page form);
  2. A statement of purpose indicating the relevance of a Minor in Education to the student's doctoral degree and the academic rationale for the program proposal (1 page);
  3. Registrar's Application for PhD Minor form

The Associate Dean of Student Affairs will review the application. If admitted to the program, a Graduate Program Authorization Petition must be submitted by the student in Axess and be approved by the student's home department. There is no application deadline for the Ph.D. Minor in Education. Applications are accepted throughout the year.