Incorporating the REP into Your Course
When you agree to join the REP, you agree to incorporate participation in Stanford research projects as a requirement for your course. Your students are asked to partake in a certain number of hours of social science experiments over the course of the quarter in return for course credit.
Getting Students Started
At their own convenience, your students can go to the REP website to sign up for experiments of their choice. Most of these experiments will take 30 minutes to an hour. Upon completion of a study, your student will receive 0.5 credits for every half hour of participation. Student participation in REP experiments is voluntary. However, we ask that if a student declines REP participation that they be given an alternative set of assignments. These assignments can be up to your discretion.
Adding REP to your syllabus
If you would like to see sample syllabi of how the REP may be described in your own course syllabus, along with a list of equivalent alternative assignments, please see the "In-Person Syllabus" or the "Online Course Syllabus" examples below.
Deadlines for your students
Please note that due to space and time limitations, in order for the REP to run, the REP has to impose certain deadlines on your students to ensure they have enough time to complete their studies throughout the quarter. For example, your students should have finished enrolling on the online scheduler by the end of the second week of the quarter. After that they have one week grace period to finish their pre-requisites. However, if they use the grace period, the number of credits they must complete doubles. After the grace period is over, students are not allowed to sign up for the REP. Naturally, instructors have last say in special cases. The program will always defer to the instructor’s judgments regarding students and their credit.
Please email for a current calendar of deadlines for participation in REP.
Number of Credits
The number of credits due by the end of the quarter depends on whether a class is an online class or an in-person class.
In-Person (Face-to-Face) Class: 5.3 credit hours
a. 1 .0 credit creating an account for the online scheduler, logging in and taking the mandatory demographic survey
b. 2.0 credits MUST be for In-Person Studies
c. 2.0 credits can be any other kind of REP activity, whether in-person or online study, or talk or tour.
d. 0.3 credit for taking end-of-quarter REP Experience Survey
Online Class: 4.3 credit hours
a. 1 .0 credit creating an account for the online scheduler, logging in and taking the mandatory demographic survey
b. 2.0 credits must come from actual studies whether online or in-person.
c. 1.0 can be any other kind REP activity, whether in-person or online study, or talk or tour.
d. 0.3 credit for taking end-of-quarter REP Experience Survey
Tracking Students’ Research Credit
You can check on your students’ progress in completing their required number of credit hours by logging onto our online scheduling system (SONA). To do so, click here. You should have received your login name and password by the start of the quarter. If you are unable to log on-please immediately contact the REP administration at at:
At the end of the quarter, the REP Administration will also provide you a full credit count for all the students who creates a account with us. If any students’ names are missing, please let us know immediately-we will do a search for them. It is possible that a student enrolled into the our system incorrectly and didn’t show up on the final course name list. If such is the case, given that we keep archived records of all the students to ever be part of our program, we can do a search on the “missing” student to see if they actually ever registered with us.
Using the Online Scheduling System
Below are answers to frequently asked questions about using the online scheduling system. Click this SONA Guide for Instructors link for a more detailed guide to the online scheduler.
How do I log into the online scheduling program to view my students’ credits?
Please go to to login to the system. Type in your login and password and click on “Login”. You should have received a login and a password from the REP Administration. If you have not, please let us know immediately.
How do I view all the studies available to my students?
In the online scheduling system (SONA), under the Instructor Main Page, click on “Course Reports” to begin viewing your students’ progress. For more details about the different options you have for viewing your students’ progress, please look at the Instructor Guide to the online scheduler (link above).
How do I print a copy of my students’ credit report?
In the online scheduling system (SONA), after you have created a credit report, choose the type of course report you want. Then, click on “Display this Report in a Printer-Friendly Layout” to get a new printable window of your students’ earned credit.
How do I download an editable file of my students’ earned credit?
In the online scheduling system (SONA) under “Course Reports”, choose the type of report that you want. Click on the “Download this Report in CSV Format” (comma separated format). Choose “Open” or “Save”. Then you can view and edit the information in MS excel.
How do I change my SONA password?
In SONA, click on “My Profile”. Type in your current password. Then type in your new password. Next, re-type in your new password. Finally, click on “Update”.
How do I change the email address used for notification?
In SONA, click on “My Profile”. Type in your new email address. Next, re-type in your email address. Finally, click on “Update”.
How do I update my contact information?
In SONA, click on “My Profile”. Type in your new contact information. Then, click on “Update”.