Support / Donate

Financial support

The Player Piano Program is an ambitious undertaking made possible through generous financial donations. Additional funding will make it possible to further expand and enhance the collections; fully catalog, digitize, and archive the rolls; and pursue collaborations with scholars, performers, technicians, scientists, and information technology experts. We invite those interested in contributing to the Player Piano Program collection development funds or in helping to fund the development of open-source preservation technology through donations or a bequest to contact the Program's staff.

Piano Roll Donations

If you have a collection of historically significant piano rolls and would like to see them preserved and made available, donations can be made as a gift or bequest. We are looking for reproducing rolls and 88-note rolls that align with the research goals of the program; when donated they may be eligible for a charitable tax deduction in the United States. 


For roll donations:

Head of the Music Library and Archive of Recorded Sound, Stanford Libraries
Sound Archives Librarian, Archive of Recorded Sound, Stanford Libraries

For bequests and financial contributions:

Sonia Lee
Associate Director for Development, Stanford Libraries
(650) 736-9538

Denise Ellestad
Director of Development, Humanities & Sciences, Stanford University
(650) 723-0023

For instrument donations:

Kumaran Arul
Music Department

We would like to thank following people for their help, support, and generous gift of time in making this program a reality.

Rex Lawson

Robert Mitchell

Peter Phillips

Michael Swanson

Anthony Robinson
