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David A. Clarke, Jr.
Sheriff Milwaukee Co. MA Security Studies NPS. NRA Member. CPAC Charlton Heston Courage Under Fire Award. NYPD/NYC Police Benevolent Asso. Person of the Year
David A. Clarke, Jr. 2h
Green Party Jill Stein is a perfect example of why 3rd party candidates get no attention from the American voter. Most are blathering kooks.
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David A. Clarke, Jr. 2h
KISS Front Man Gene Simmons said what many Americans believe. Same applies to professional jocks like Kaepernic too.
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David A. Clarke, Jr. 2h
For 7+ years Obama looked into the TV camera and lied to the American people and said nothing.
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David A. Clarke, Jr. 3h
Nobody cares what John Frankenstein Kerry thinks at this point. Sour grapes. How many days until Jan 20th anyway?
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David A. Clarke, Jr. 8h
"Dr." Jill Stein makes Bernie Sanders sound mainstream. Dr. Dolittle would have been a better Green Party candidate.
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David A. Clarke, Jr. retweeted
Lou Dobbs 13h
FNC's Wallace Battles Stein - 'Where Do You Get Off' Saying the American People Want a Recount?
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David A. Clarke, Jr. retweeted
Jay Means 15h
This guy squared up and punched the kangaroo in his nose for putting his dog in a chokehold 😂💀💀
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David A. Clarke, Jr. retweeted
Eric Trump 13h
The Sad Truth: The Cost Of Stein/Clinton's Vote Recount Could Have Saved At Least 5,000 Children's Lives
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David A. Clarke, Jr. retweeted
Lou Dobbs 13h
The Left has Become the Laughingstock of the Political Spectrum! What a Sorry Bunch!
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David A. Clarke, Jr. retweeted
Donald J. Trump 15h
The Green Party just dropped its recount suit in Pennsylvania and is losing votes in Wisconsin recount. Just a Stein scam to raise money!
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David A. Clarke, Jr. 15h
Time Magazine should name President-elect as their 2016 Man of the Year for overcoming to win
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David A. Clarke, Jr. Dec 3
Heather Mac Donald dispels myth that racism is systemic or institutional in America. Implicit bias is a fraud.
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David A. Clarke, Jr. Dec 3
These arrogant elitist Democrats aren't coming back to middle America. They made their decision to be on the fringe.
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David A. Clarke, Jr. Dec 2
The only fake news I know emanates from and other lib mainstream news outlets.
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David A. Clarke, Jr. Dec 1
Democrats refuse to accept a clear defeat and recount demands prove they’re sore losers via
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David A. Clarke, Jr. Dec 1
This self-serving Green Party loser is diverting away limited state money that could go to lead water fix in Flint.
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David A. Clarke, Jr. retweeted
Fox News Nov 30
DA: Dash cam footage shows that officers asked Scott to drop gun 10 times.
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David A. Clarke, Jr. retweeted
CC Nov 29
I agree with TRUMP! SCOTUS was WRONG in the 80's when they accepted FLAG BURNING as Free Speech. It isn't it's hateful desecration.
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David A. Clarke, Jr. retweeted
Lou Dobbs Nov 29
Obama's 8 years of subversion and GOP complicity mean we need to urgently drain the Swamp
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David A. Clarke, Jr. Nov 30
First, Trump supporters were deplorables, now we're despicable. Mark Hamill calls Trump's Cabinet 'a who's-who of really despicable people'
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