IP Policy and Copyright

If your complaint is about SPAM, PHISHING, FRAUD or any other type of violation except copyright and IP infringement please report it to Yahoo Customer Care.

Respect Intellectual Property Rights

Yahoo respects the intellectual property of authors and creators and we ask our users to do the same. Yahoo may in accordance with its Terms of Service and in appropriate circumstances and at its discretion, disable and/or terminate without notice the accounts of users who may be infringing the intellectual property rights of others.

Infringement of Your Intellectual Property Rights

If you believe that your work has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, or your intellectual property rights have been otherwise violated, please complete the online form (live online form here) by providing all the requested information. The form can be submitted to Yahoo Copyright/IP agents via email, fax or post.

By email: Copyright and Intellectual Property Infringement Complaint Form
By post: Legal Department, Copyright/IP agent, Yahoo! EMEA Limited, 5-7 Point Village, North Wall Quay, Dublin 1, Ireland

Permission Requests

If you are seeking permission to use any Yahoo Ireland trademarks, logos, screen shots, copyrighted designs, or other brand features from the Yahoo Ireland websites (http://ie.yahoo.com), please provide the following information to allow us to review your request:

  1. registered company name of the organization and/or person requesting permission;
  2. registered company office address and other contact information (e-mail, phone, fax);
  3. country where the company is registered;
  4. company registration number;
  5. name of the book, website or other media where Yahoo material will appear;
  6. exact Yahoo logos or other Yahoo materials to be used;
  7. mock-up of the book or website in which the Yahoo materials will appear.

Please send this information to us by email: permissions-requests@yahoo-inc.com

If your request is approved, that approval will be subject to the terms of the Product Placement Agreement which you will have to sign prior to your use of Yahoo materials.

We may only grant permission for the use of Yahoo Ireland specific material such as Yahoo Ireland logos or the Yahoo Ireland front page (http://ie.yahoo.com) and other Yahoo Ireland specific websites. Yahoo! Inc. in the US owns the right to Yahoo US material (http://www.yahoo.com) and; therefore, permission to use Yahoo US materials must be obtained directly from Yahoo US. Information on Yahoo US permissions can be found at https://info.yahoo.com/press-center/.

Many Yahoo websites incorporate third party content. Yahoo is unable to grant permission for you to use third party content. Typical examples include Reuters or Associated Press articles and pictures appearing in Yahoo News or Yahoo Sports. Please contact the appropriate third party for permission to use their content.