
Pamela J. Hinds is Professor and Co-Director of the Center on Work, Technology, and Organization in the Department of Management Science and Engineering, Stanford University. She studies the effect of technology on teams. Pamela has conducted extensive research on the dynamics of geographically distributed work teams, particularly those spanning national boundaries. She explores issues of culture, language, identity, conflict, and the role of site visits in promoting knowledge sharing and collaboration. Most recently, she has been studying the relationship between national culture and work practices, particularly exploring how work practices created in one location are understood and adapted at distant sites. Pamela has also been examining the relationship between national culture and technology use and is especially interested in the design of collaborative technologies for use across national boundaries. Most recently, Pamela has begun to explore cross-organizational work, for example, how companies leverage online communities for innovation. She is co-editor with Sara Kiesler of the book Distributed Work (MIT Press). Her research has appeared in journals such as Organization Science, Research in Organizational Behavior, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Annals, Human-Computer Interaction, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. She is on the editorial boards of Organization Science and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. Hinds hold a Ph.D. in Organizational Science and Management from Carnegie Mellon University.

Academic Appointments

  • Professor, Management Science and Engineering

Honors & Awards

  • Undergraduate Teaching Award, Department of Management Science & Engineering (2007)
  • Nominee: Carolyn Dexter Best International Paper Award, Academy of Management (2007)
  • William H. Newman Award for best paper from a dissertation, Academy of Management (2004)
  • Best Paper Runner Up (co-authored with Rosanne Siino), Organizational Communication & Information Systems Division of the Academy of Management (2004)
  • Best Paper Runner Up (co-authored with Mark Mortensen), Organizational Communication & Information Systems Division of the Academy of Management (2001)
  • New Investigator Award in Experimental Psychology: Applied, Division of Experimental Psychology of the American Psychological Association (2000)
  • Best Paper (co-authored with Diane Bailey), Organizational Communication & Information Systems Division of the Academy of Management (2000)
  • Distinguished Scholar, Organizational Communication & Information Systems - Academy of Management (August 2014)

Professional Education

  • PhD, Carnegie Mellon (1997)


  • Understanding Technology Appropriation in Intercultural Global Work, Stanford University

    Our main goal in this study is to build theory about how technology is appropriated in different cultural contexts when workers are collaborating closely across national boundaries and how different appropriation models affect collaboration.


    Japan, Mexico, US

  • Innovation Centers Around the Globe

    In this project, we aim to understand how people respond to and adopt/adapt the practices associated with innovation centers and agile practices across regions/cultures.


    India, China, Germany, France, Israel

2015-16 Courses

Stanford Advisees

All Publications

  • An Embedded Model of Cultural Adaptation in Global Teams ORGANIZATION SCIENCE Cramton, C. D., Hinds, P. J. 2014; 25 (4): 1056-1081
  • Language as a lightning rod: Power contests, emotion regulation, and subgroup dynamics in global teams JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS STUDIES Hinds, P. J., Neeley, T. B., Cramton, C. D. 2014; 45 (5): 536-561
  • Situated Coworker Familiarity: How Site Visits Transform Relationships Among Distributed Workers ORGANIZATION SCIENCE Hinds, P. J., Cramton, C. D. 2014; 25 (3): 794-814
  • Putting the Global in Global Work: An Intercultural Lens on the Practice of Cross-National Collaboration ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT ANNALS Hinds, P., Liu, L., Lyon, J. 2011; 5: 135-188
  • Team diversity and information use ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT JOURNAL Dahlin, K. B., Weingart, L. R., Hinds, P. J. 2005; 48 (6): 1107-1123
  • Understanding conflict in geographically distributed teams: The moderating effects of shared identity, shared context, and spontaneous communication ORGANIZATION SCIENCE Hinds, P. J., Mortensen, M. 2005; 16 (3): 290-307
  • Out of sight, out of sync: Understanding conflict in distributed teams ORGANIZATION SCIENCE Hinds, P. J., Bailey, D. E. 2003; 14 (6): 615-632
  • Bothered by abstraction: The effect of expertise on knowledge transfer and subsequent novice performance JOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY Hinds, P. J., Patterson, M., Pfeffer, J. 2001; 86 (6): 1232-1243


    Although experts should be well positioned to convey their superior knowledge and skill to novices, the organization of that knowledge, and particularly its level of abstraction, may make it difficult for them to do so. Using an electronic circuit-wiring task, the authors found that experts as compared with beginners used more abstract and advanced statements and fewer concrete statements when providing task instructions to novices. In a 2nd study, the authors found that beginner-instructed novices performed better than expert-instructed novices and reported fewer problems with the instructions when performing the same task. In Study 2, the authors found that although novices performed better on the target task when instructed by beginners, they did better on a different task within the same domain when instructed by experts. The evidence suggests that the abstract, advanced concepts conveyed by experts facilitated the transfer of learning between the different tasks.

    View details for DOI 10.1037//0021-9010.86.6.1232

    View details for Web of Science ID 000172624400015

    View details for PubMedID 11768064

  • Choosing work group members: Balancing similarity, competence, and familiarity ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR AND HUMAN DECISION PROCESSES Hinds, P. J., Carley, K. M., Krackhardt, D., Wholey, D. 2000; 81 (2): 226-251
  • The curse of expertise: The effects of expertise and debiasing methods on predictions of novice performance JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-APPLIED Hinds, P. J. 1999; 5 (2): 205-221
  • Engaging robots: Easing complex human-robot teamwork using backchanneling. Jung, M., F., Lee, J., DePalma, N., Hinds, P., J., Breazeal, C. 2013
  • Closure vs. structural holes: How social network information and culture affect choice of collaborators. Gao, G., Zhao, C., Hinds, P. 2013
  • The (Un)Hidden Turmoil of Language in Global Collaboration ORGANIZATIONAL DYNAMICS Neeley, T. B., Hinds, P. J., Cramton, C. D. 2012; 41 (3): 236-244
  • The Meeting Genre Across Cultures: Insights From Three German-American Collaborations SMALL GROUP RESEARCH Koehler, T., Cramton, C. D., Hinds, P. J. 2012; 43 (2): 159-185
  • Awareness as an Antidote to Distance: Making Distributed Groups Cooperative and Consistent. Kim, T., Pentland, A., Hinds, P. 2012
  • Studying global work groups in the field. Research methods for studying group and teams: A guide to approaches, tools, and technologies Hinds, P., Cramton, C. edited by Hollingshead, A., Poole, M., S. New York: Routledge.. 2012: 105-120
  • When in Rome: The role of culture and context in adherence to robot recommendations. Wang, L., Rau, P., Evers, V., Robinson, B., Hinds, P. 2010
  • Relational vs. group self-construal: Untangling the role of national culture in HRI. Evers, V., Maldonado, H., Brodecki, T., Hinds, P. 2008
  • Autonomy and common ground in human-robot interaction: A field study IEEE INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS Stubbs, K., Wettergreen, D., Hinds, P. J. 2007; 22 (2): 42-50
  • Intercultural interaction in distributed teams: Salience of and adaptations to cultural differences. Cramton, C., Hinds, P. 2007
  • Who should I blame? The effects of autonomy and transparency on attributions in human-robot interaction. Kim, T., Hinds, P. 2006
  • Challenges to grounding in human-robot interaction: Sources of errors and miscommunications in remote exploration robotics. Stubbs, K., Hinds, P., Wettergreen, D. 2006
  • Robots, gender & sensemaking: Sex segregation's impact on workers making sense of a mobile autonomous robot 2005 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION (ICRA), VOLS 1-4 Siino, R. M., Hinds, P. J. 2005: 2773-2778
  • Subgroup dynamics in internationally distributed teams: Ethnocentrism or cross-national learning? RESEARCH IN ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR: AN ANNUAL SERIES OF ANALYTICAL ESSAYS AND CRITICAL REVIEWS, VOL 26 Cramton, C. D., Hinds, P. J. 2005; 26: 231-263
  • Whose job is it anyway? A study of human-robot interaction in a collaborative task HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION Hinds, P. J., Roberts, T. L., Jones, H. 2004; 19 (1-2): 151-181
  • Trust in context: The development of interpersonal trust in geographically distributed work. Trust and Distrust within Organizational Contexts Hinds, P., Zolin, R. edited by Kramer, Roderick, M., Cook, Karen, S. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.. 2004: 214-238
  • Interpersonal trust in cross-functional, geographically distributed work: A longitudinal study. Information & Organizations Zolin, R., Hinds, P., Fruchter, R., Levitt, R. 2004; 14: 1-26
  • Making sense of new technology as a lead-in to structuring: The case of an autonomous mobile robot. Siino, R., Hinds, P. 2004
  • Introduction to this special issue on human-robot interaction HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION Kiesler, S., Hinds, P. 2004; 19 (1-2): 1-8
  • Shared knowledge and shared understanding in virtual teams. Virtual Teams That Work Hinds, P., Weisband, S. edited by Gibson, C., B., Cohen, S., G. New York, NY: Jossey-Bass.. 2003: 21-36
  • Understanding antecedents to conflict in geographically distributed research and development teams. Hinds, P., Mortensen, M. 2002
  • Fuzzy teams: Boundary disagreement in distributed and collocated teams. Distributed Work Mortensen, M., Hinds, P. edited by Hinds, P., Kiesler, S. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.. 2002: 283-308
  • Distributed Work. Hinds, P. edited by Hinds, P., Kiesler, S. MIT Press.. 2002
  • Conflict and shared identity in geographically distributed teams INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONFLICT MANAGEMENT Mortensen, M., Hinds, P. J. 2001; 12 (3): 212-238
  • Conflict and shared identity in geographically distributed teams. Mortensen, M., Hinds, P. 2001
  • The hidden costs of intellectual property. Hinds, P. 2000
  • Virtual team performance: Modeling the impact of temporal and geographic virtuality. Hinds, P., Bailey, D. 2000
  • Some cognitive costs of video. Media Psychology Hinds, P. 1999; 1: 283-311