Commencement Information for June 14, 2015

Reception 11:30 am - Arrillaga Center for Sports and Recreaction

Commencement 1:00pm - Ford Center Plaza (map)

The Psychology faculty speaker:  Kalanit Grill-Spector

Graduate and undergraduate speakers: Ali Horowitz and Mona Matsumoto-Ryan

Additional Commencement Information

Psychology Students:

Please be at the site by 12:00 in order to check in and to pick up your line-up card. The check in desk will be located in front of the Arrillaga Center for Sports and Recreation (facing Ford Center Plaza).

Please limit your number of guests to five. All graduates and their guests are welcome, along with Psychology Department faculty and staff.  The ceremony will be about one and a half hours long.

In order to participate, this webform must be filled out:

Ceremony Instructions  

The Student Services Team will be with you at every step of the way. If you have any questions, feel free to pull one of them aside. So you get an idea of how the line up will go, we’ve outlined the process below:

When you sign in at the “check-in desk” we will give you an index cards with your name and a number on them. Please be at the site by 12:00 pm in order to pick up your line-up card. The line-up number will put you in alphabetic order by degree. When students are called to line up (at 12:45 PM), please line up according to the number on your card inside the Ford Center. Faculty will be first in line, followed by the Ph.D. students, followed by undergraduates and co-terminal students in alphabetical order.  

Faculty will lead the procession of students up through the audience. Faculty will continue on up to seating on the stage. Students will file into the first three rows of the audience in their line-up order.  Students will remain standing until being instructed to sit down after remarks from the Chair. After speeches, in preparation for diploma distribution, the Student Services team will request that individual seated rows of students stand up and file to the right side of the tent.  

If you are a Ph.D. student: When you hear your name, you will proceed onto the stage on the right side with your hood in your left hand. Give your hood to your faculty advisor (who will be standing on stage) and turn so your back is facing your advisor. S/he will place the hood on you and give you your diploma. Shake hands with your faculty advisor, pause for a picture from the professional photographer, then leave the stage down the stairs on the left and return to your seat.

If you are a BA, BS, or MA student: When you hear your name, you will proceed onto the stage on the right side. A faculty member will give you your diploma. Shake hands with the faculty member, pause for a picture from the professional photographer, then leave the stage down the stairs on the left and return to your seat.

At the end of the ceremony, the Chair of the Psychology Department will announce your graduation year. At this point you may toss your caps in the air and cheer. Please be mindful that there are other ceremonies taking place in the area as you exit. Also please pick up your belongings and/or trash.  


If you have conferred your degree, you will receive your actual diploma. Please check to make sure that this diploma is yours before leaving the commencement site. If you have not conferred your degree, a note inside the diploma will direct you on what your next step should be. If you received the wrong diploma, please contact one of the Student Services people immediately following the ceremony.  


The average temperatures for Palo Alto in June are between 55 (low) and 79 (high) degrees. Commencement Day is traditionally warm, dry, and sunny. Because the main ceremony and the Psychology ceremony will be held outside, please dress accordingly. Shaded seating will be available for the Psychology ceremony and the reception will be indoors. Additionally, the Psychology ceremony will be on grass, so plan to wear appropriate footwear.  In case of rain: The decision to use the rain plan will be made several days before the Baccalaureate celebration and the Commencement ceremony.